[jsr-314-open] f:ajax behavior renderer question/discussion

Werner Punz werner.punz at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 12:43:56 EST 2009

Thanks for the quick clarification Ed.


On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 9:01 PM, Ed Burns <Ed.Burns at sun.com> wrote:

> >>>>> On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 16:13:24 +0100, Werner Punz <
> werner.punz at gmail.com> said:
> WP> Since one of our guys stumbled upon this detail, the f:ajax is
> WP> supposed to deliver the javascript for the f:ajax tag to the
> WP> component involved the question now is.  If we have a button which
> WP> has the behavior applied to, does the behavior render a return false
> WP> at the end or should it be possible that the button can do a form
> WP> submit afterwards.
> I belive this is the intent: whatever script was specified by the user
> as an XML attribute in the markup page replaces the "return false;" at
> the end of the script we generate when the f:ajax tag is attached.
> Is this correct?
> Ed
> --
> | ed.burns at sun.com  | office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640
> | homepage:         | http://ridingthecrest.com/
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