[keycloak-user] Permission fro token exchange

James Mitchell jamesm at suitebox.com
Tue Sep 3 00:44:17 EDT 2019

I am trying to use the token exchange preview feature.

I have enabled it OK, and can see it in the UI server info as a preview
feature (not a disabled feature).
But I'm getting an error, that the client is not allowed to perform the
exchange. The docs clearly say that I need to enable a permission on the
Identity Provider

My problem is that I do not see the Permissions tab when I look at the
IDP... :(

Can anyone suggest why the Permissions tab might be hidden?



*James Mitchell*


e: jamesm at suitebox.com

w: www.suitebox.com

*SuiteBox |* Level 4, 8 Mahuhu Crescent, Auckland 1010, NZ

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