http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBESB-519?page=comments#action_12360195 ]
Burr Sutter commented on JBESB-519:
AS deployment (previously known as SAR deployment)
Is this the deployment of .esb archives?
yes and no.
the .esb archive works for both AS (ESB running within AS, previously known as SAR
deployment) and ESB Server.
The ESB Server is a new 4.2 beast that is based on the JMX Microkernel. If you
successfully pull from SVN, run ant clean, compile, dist then you get a folder called
"jbossesb-server-4.2.MR1" in the build folder. This is the ESB Server and you
can run it by executing run.bat (bin sub-folder).
Note: you'll need to have your AS turned off before running the ESB Server (and vice
versa). Plus the ESB Server only supports JBoss Messaging, not JBoss MQ.
The only real trick between ESB Server and AS (ESB within AS) deployments are related to
classpath issues and simply need to be debugged.
Update quickstarts to more clearly demonstrate deployToAS vs
Key: JBESB-519
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Affects Versions: 4.2 Milestone Release 1
Reporter: Burr Sutter
Assigned To: Daniel Bevenius
Fix For: 4.2 Milestone Release 2
Based on the introduction of the ESB Server in 4.2 MR1 the quickstarts are a little bit
confusing. Helloworld base-build.xml refers to "JBoss ESB Server at
'${jbosshome.dir}'." when jbosshome.dir should be mapped to the AS, not to
the ESB home.
I propose that quickstart.properties have a AS home and ESB home and the build.xml's
updated accordingly. As it stands not the jbosshome.dir is being overloaded.
The helloworld quickstart (and ideally all of them) should illustrate:
- StandAloneBootStrapper
- AS deployment (previously known as SAR deployment)
- ESB server deployment (new in 4.2)
- WAR deployment (if that model actually works)
Not every quickstart works with the ESB server and I believe this needs to be more
clearly specified in the readme.txt
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