by Dimitri BAELI
I'm confused about the profiles.xml file, it is part of the codebase but
we have to modify it for local informations.
I suggest to create a profiles.xml.template and put profiles.xml in
svn:ignore, so that the profiles.xml is not is permanent conflict and the
new users can easily create his setup.
I've commited a sample profiles.xml.template in packaging.
If that's ok for you, here is what still to be done:
* Update the /README.txt to explain from which file we should create the
* Remove profiles.xml from the codebase and add it in the svn:ignoe
Dimitri BAELI - eXo Platform SAS
15 years, 4 months
Re: [gatein-dev] building gatein with a clean maven repo
by Arnaud HERITIER
It seems this is because exoPackage calls many times maven in the same VM to
do dependency:get and there is a memory leak.
The script mustn't take care of MAVEN_OPTS but JAVA_OPTS it should.
Dimitry won't be back before tuesday. I will try to reproduce it locally and
if possible to fix it.
On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Matt Wringe <mwringe(a)> wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-10-30 at 16:25 +0100, Arnaud HERITIER wrote:
> > I didn't try for several weeks.
> > I don't remember to already had this issue.
> > Can you send me in private the full log. Perhaps I'll see something.
> full build log attached.
> >
> > Arnaud
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Matt Wringe <mwringe(a)>
> > wrote:
> > Has anyone experienced problems when trying to build gatein
> > using a
> > clean (ie empty) maven repo?
> >
> > I can build the portal part fine, but when I go to package the
> > portal I
> > run into some issues. The packaging build claims it was
> > successful, but
> > there are error message like these in the logs:
> >
> > > [INFO] [INFO]
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > [INFO] [INFO]
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > [INFO] [INFO] Java heap space
> > > [INFO] [INFO]
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > [INFO] [INFO] Trace
> > > [INFO] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
> >
> > This will cause that part of the build to stop, but it still
> > continues
> > with the other part of the build and claims at the end that
> > the build is
> > successful when its not.
> >
> > This only occurs with a fresh maven repo and the Java heap
> > space issue
> > occurs after its been downloading artifacts for a while. The
> > downloading
> > of artifacts is also really slow and strange for the packaging
> > part.
> >
> > Has anyone else experience this? Or is it only me?
> >
> > On Linux with JDK 1.6 and Maven 2.2.1
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > gatein-dev mailing list
> > gatein-dev(a)
> >
> >
> >
15 years, 4 months
building gatein with a clean maven repo
by Matt Wringe
Has anyone experienced problems when trying to build gatein using a
clean (ie empty) maven repo?
I can build the portal part fine, but when I go to package the portal I
run into some issues. The packaging build claims it was successful, but
there are error message like these in the logs:
> [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] [INFO] Java heap space
> [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] [INFO] Trace
> [INFO] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
This will cause that part of the build to stop, but it still continues
with the other part of the build and claims at the end that the build is
successful when its not.
This only occurs with a fresh maven repo and the Java heap space issue
occurs after its been downloading artifacts for a while. The downloading
of artifacts is also really slow and strange for the packaging part.
Has anyone else experience this? Or is it only me?
On Linux with JDK 1.6 and Maven 2.2.1
15 years, 4 months
Update of Groovy
by Julien Viet
Hi Dimitri,
I want to upgrade the Groovy dependency in the performance branch. As
this library is pulled from the JCR dependencies, I was wondering what
is the correct thing to do update the packaging of Groovy.
15 years, 4 months
by Boleslaw Dawidowicz
Is JBoss AS and Tomcat packaging somehow configured separately now? When
I add additional jar to portal.packaging.module.js it is copied properly
to tomcat/lib and not to jboss/../gatein.ear/lib. Actually that is why I
broke the build just before Beta2 - tested only with tomcat.
15 years, 4 months
Performance branch
by Julien Viet
Hi all,
I have created a branch for working on gatein optimization.
The branch is interesting for several reasons:
- we can always compare performances from the trunk and the branch and
estimate the gain
- the trunk will be isolated from that branch as it will likely use
snapshots at some points and perhaps introduce bugs
- when work is done and before merge to the trunk, we can run the
sniff tests
- it is based on the beta 2 so we can expect to have some stability
- it defines a clear life cycle in the work being done
I will probably not be the only person working on that effort
(hopefully) but I will be the person managing the life cycle of the
branch which means:
- perform the continuous merging of trunk to the branch
- perform the final merge of the branch back to the trunk at some points
The branch was created from the trunk revision number 380 (important
to keep the last revision number from which the branch is up to date)
which seems to be the beta 2 release tag.
I will work for the next couple of days on removing the major
bottlenecks, so you can expect an update before next monday.
We should try to use this thread to discuss about this topic.
15 years, 4 months
Packaging question
by Christophe Laprun
I haven't followed the ins and outs of the new packaging but there's
definitely something wrong with it. It shouldn't initiate services
several times. As of now, the WSRP service (and probably the other
services as well) is started twice, once each for sample-portal and
portal PortalContainers. I'm not quite sure what the intent is but to
me, portals should reuse services, not start new instances.
Can anyone please clarify what the situation is?
Thanks in advance.
Cordialement / Best,
Principal Software Engineer / JBoss Enterprise Middleware Red Hat, Inc.
Follow JBoss Portal: /
Follow me: /
15 years, 4 months
Frontpage broken
by Thomas Heute
See the Tomcat frontpage and compare to the JBoss frontpage.
Looks like the JBoss one got a new packaging with portal samples-ext and
get missing translations.
15 years, 4 months
Compilation hell on Windows
by Dimitri BAELI
I already see your smile but we've got a big problem on compiling GateIn
on windows.
The issue is reported and detailled here :
The build takes 40min where it should take 5min.
I've investigated a bit:
* It seems that the javac is spending all his time in scaning directories in
the classpath.
* Then I compared the dependencies of current a previous versions of
webui\eXo module (one of the slow modules), and it turns that nearly only
some versions changed in the dependencies.
** There is tools.jar (12Mo !) from htmlparser from JCR (see
but removing it from the compilation classpath is not sufficient.
** Other dependencies changes are mainly versions changes.
Current conclusion:
* It is probably a change in the classpath, but not sure yet.
* No clue of responsible commit for the moment.
What's next:
* update the gatein source code to past revision and rebuild until the
commit that introduced the regression is found.
I'm starting to study that and let you know. Unless someone has another
Dimitri BAELI - eXo Platform SAS
15 years, 5 months
Tattletale report generation
by Martin Podolinsky
The Tattletale ( ) report providing lot
of useful informations about dependencies is now part of the 'maven
site' phase for the portal/packaging.
To enable that you would need to install the Tattletale jar into a local
maven repository.
, unpack it and install jboss-tattletale.jar (inside the archive) into
local maven repository by:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=jboss-tattletale
-DartifactId=jboss-tattletale -Dversion=1.0.1 -Dpackaging=jar
The jar is installed so now go to the packaging directory and call
either jboss or tomcat packaging (if you haven't done it already) by :
mvn -Ppkg-jbossas install
mvn -Ppkg-tomcat install
now is possible to generate the report by
mvn site
Results are stored into packaging/reports/target/jboss-tattletale or
Martin Podolinsky
Enterprise Portal Platform Product Lead
JBoss, by Red Hat
email: mpodolin(a)
15 years, 5 months