Skinning multiple portals not working (both /portal and /sample-portal)
by Wesley Hales
I have successfully set the default skin for /portal using a deployable .war skin and adding it to portal.xml. So next, I installed /sample-portal from examples and tried to set the same skin there as well (and there is no portal.xml to add it to), but it does not work. From looking at the source markup of sample-portal the
<link id="CoreSkin" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="
does not get added to the page.
To get around this, I added mySkin.war (only the name "mySkin") to sample-portal's list of dependency wars in it's configuration.xml. After this, it works, but when I go to the original /portal, then it is not skinned.
So , it looks like there is an issue sharing a single skin archive between 2 seperate portals? or am I missing a new configuration in the sample-portal? btw, I also tried to duplicate my skin, only changing the name of it, and tried to allow both portals to use a separate skin... to no avail.
Thanks for any help on this, I have a presentation next Monday and it would be great to show the flexibility.
14 years, 11 months
gatein and setting -Xshare:auto
by Matthew Wringe
Current in GateIn we are setting -Xshare:auto as part of the jvm
parameters. According to the Sun documentation, auto is the default
setting and this option is only available with Sun JDK.
When we try and run GateIn on the IBM jdk, it fails complaining that it
doesn't know about the Xshare option.
Is there a reason why we are setting this? Or can be safely remove it so
that gatein can work with other jvms out of the box.
14 years, 11 months
Possible UI bugs in GateIn
by Michal Vančo
during the EPP5 ER3 testing I found following issues which are also
present in trunk version of GateIn:
- Dashboard - link Add gadget is present only for root user. It means
that I can't edit Dashboard under other user than root, I tried it under
john, mary, demo and new registered user. I think that all user should
be able to edit its dashboards (because it is personal page - not
- Application registry - When I edit display name of portlet in
Application registry, in menu on left side is displayed this name
converted to camel-case, but in tooltip there is correct (not converted)
display name.
I also attach screens for better understanding.
I want to ask if there is some reason for this behavior or is it a bug?
I'm going to create jiras for that.
Thanks in advance for reply.
Michal Vanco
14 years, 11 months
by Matthew Wringe
I just rolled backed profiles.xml because it was edited to include the
dependencies directory on someones machines instead of
Is there any reason we can't make "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_OWN_DIRECTORY" with
an environment variable, ie something like "${EXO_DEPENDENCIES_DIR}"?
This way people only need to set the environment variable and not edit
this file. So when the version of tomcat or jboss gets updated we don't
get svn conflicts.
Also, when unzipping the tomcat archive it creates a directory that
starts with apache-tomcat, but the reference we use in profiles.xml
starts with just tomcat. Can we add the apache part in profiles.xml to
prevent having to rename the directory every time it gets unzipped?
14 years, 11 months
by Wesley Hales
I have a JSF portlet (the admin/JMX demo) built using the JBoss Portlet Bridge and deployed to GateIn. What steps should I take if I wish to remove the default GateIn window decoration and mode buttons?
I read this and tried a few different things to no avail:
and I am just wondering if/how it is possible with a non-GateIn portlet. This is what I have tried and the docs don't go into detail about a third party portlet (afaik)
<entry key="sessionAlive">onDemand</entry>
<page-body> </page-body>
14 years, 11 months
An exception while starting Tomcat
by Trong Tran
In the last code of trunk, i have got the following exception while starting
Tomcat but it does not prevent at runtime :
* *
* at java.lang.ClassLoader.findClass(*
* at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(*
* at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(*
* at
* at
* at
* at
the question is that the ***
ExoCacheFactoryImpl* is purpose of using for Tomcat ? If not, i guess we
could specify jboss profile for it
Tran The Trong
eXo Platform SAS
14 years, 11 months