OAuth integration in Tomcat packaging
by Trong Tran
I'm playing OAuth integration feature with GateIn Tomcat packaging.
Unfortunately it doesn't work for me.
I'm testing with latest code of GateIn master. It doesn't login into portal
after registration, the login form with a message "Sign in failed. Wrong
username or password." is displayed instead.
Moreover, I have also tested on JBoss packaging. It works well for Facebook
and Google BUT it doesn't work with Twitter.
Is there anybody having the same problem ? are this bugs OR I missed
something in configuration ?
*Trong Tran*
*(+84) 983841909 | *trongtt(a)gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/trongtt**
11 years, 6 months
Disabled user
by Nicolas Filotto
Just to let you know that the part of the spec
https://community.jboss.org/wiki/DisabledUser that affects eXo Core has
been fully implemented in this branch
https://github.com/exodev/core/tree/feature/COR-293. The related JIRA
issues are https://jira.exoplatform.org/browse/COR-293 and
https://jira.exoplatform.org/browse/JCR-2175. It will be available in JCR
1.16 that will be used in PLF 4.1/JPP 6.1
A new method has been added in the interface UserHandler to enable/disable
a user which is setEnabled(String userName, boolean enabled, boolean
broadcast), in case it cannot be supported by the implementation, an
UnsupportedOperationException can be thrown.
For each find methods in the interface UserHandler, we have the
corresponding method with a new parameter which is enabledOnly, the old
methods call the new ones with enabledOnly set to true.
Some old methods such as saveUser and authenticate can now throw a new
exception called DisabledUserException in case we try to interact with a
disabled user account.
The TCK has been reviewed to cover this new feature, I also added more unit
tests to make sure that all implementations behave the same way.
Finally, to allow the UI to be able to know which error occurred during the
authentication, I added a new method in the interface Authenticator which
is getLastExceptionOnValidateUser()
In this branch I also upgraded our internal implementations (hibernate and
ldap) and tested them successfully on Oracle 11G R2, MySQL 5.5, PGSQL 9.1,
DB2 9.7.4, MS SQL 2008 R2, H2, HSQLDB, Sybase 15.7 for hibernate and Active
Directory 2012, Oracle Directory Server 11g, open LDAP 2.4, openDS 1.2, 2.0
and 2.2.1 and ApacheDS 1.5.7 for ldap
I also upgraded our implementation based on eXo JCR in this branch
I need now to write some doc about this new feature.
@IDM Team you should have everything you need to upgrade IDM on your side.
@Gatein Team: you should have everything you need to update the UI
If you have any questions and/or remarks, feel free to share.
Nicolas Filotto
Project Leader JCR
eXo Platform SAS
11 years, 6 months