Someone have told me that JBoss AS 5.1 binds JDK logging to log4j
automatically but I'm not sure about it.
On 2009-11-16 00:34, Julien Viet wrote:
I worked on providing a facade for SLF4J in the common module.
The various GateIn components are using another logger:
- Common module use Log4J
- WCI uses Log4J
- Portlet Container uses Log4J
- WSRP uses SLF4J directly
I have not intentionally migrated the common code to the logging in
order to avoid to break things in components that may use the common
module as a snapshot.
For the CR1 it would be a good idea to have the common/wci/portlet
components to use the logging facade to avoid the log4j usage.
Thomas and myself will discuss about that during the conf call tomorrow.
For the runtime, the tomcat server uses the SLF4J for JDK binding and
I think that the jboss server uses the SLF4J for Log4j binding
(correct me if I am wrong).
I created a documentation page in the wiki here :
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