by Wesley Hales
I have a JSF portlet (the admin/JMX demo) built using the JBoss Portlet Bridge and deployed to GateIn. What steps should I take if I wish to remove the default GateIn window decoration and mode buttons?
I read this and tried a few different things to no avail: http://docs.jboss.com/gatein/portal/3.0.0-Beta04/reference-guide/en-US/ht...
and I am just wondering if/how it is possible with a non-GateIn portlet. This is what I have tried and the docs don't go into detail about a third party portlet (afaik)
<entry key="sessionAlive">onDemand</entry>
<page-body> </page-body>
15 years
Testsuite Selenium update n°3
by Dimitri BAELI
A third version of the Selenium script has been commited today.
The current status is :33 Tests implemented, 9 failing for distinct
causes detailed in the GateIn_v3.0_SniffTests.ods document attached in the
sources (a PDF version is attached to the mail). Mainly we have 2/3 tests
blocked by GateIn bugs, 2/3 tests blocked by a missing Selenium function
(will be added if possible), 2/3 test a bit harde to implement.
So this week goal is not reached on my side.
Still some bugs in GateIn are detected this way, a good sign of useful
I'll be pleased to review this with you next week, a decide what we do
PS: Details of current state for JUnit execution (Test_All)
Failed tests:
testSNF_PRL_14 (org.exoplatform.portal.selenium.Test_All)
testSNF_PRL_05 (org.exoplatform.portal.selenium.Test_All)
testSNF_PRL_06 (org.exoplatform.portal.selenium.Test_All)
testSNF_PRL_33 (org.exoplatform.portal.selenium.Test_All)
Tests in error:
testSNF_PRL_23 (org.exoplatform.portal.selenium.Test_All)
testSNF_PRL_19 (org.exoplatform.portal.selenium.Test_All)
testSNF_PRL_28 (org.exoplatform.portal.selenium.Test_All)
testSNF_PRL_29 (org.exoplatform.portal.selenium.Test_All)
testSNF_PRL_34 (org.exoplatform.portal.selenium.Test_All)
Tests run: 33, Failures: 4, Errors: 5, Skipped: 0
And the code still here :
15 years, 1 month
Fwd: Internet connection in eXo SEA
by Dimitri BAELI
For information our VN office is suffering some failures with its internet connection for 2 days.
Début du message réexpédié :
> De : Brice Revenant <brice.revenant(a)gmail.com>
> Date : 22 janvier 2010 13:36:14 HNEC
> Objet : Internet connection in eXo SEA
> Dear all,
> We are actually suffering from a failure of our main internet provider. More than 400 companies in the district are in the same situation as us. You might therefore experience some issues while communicating with our teams here and we apologize. Our provider promised the problem will be fixed when we are back to work on monday.
> To reduce the risk of similar issues to happen again, we increased the bandwith of our backup internet line so that it can support more traffic.
> Best regards,
> -Brice.
15 years, 1 month
Gatein Selenium tests comment (JBQA-3004, GTNPORTAL-509)
by Michal Vančo
I work on running ui tests for gatein from exo
(https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBQA-3004 ).
I send some comments about selenium tests that I run on localhost (I
used the list of cases from
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/GTNPORTAL-509 ).
Selenium tests comments (tested on beta04 with Tomcat):
* SNF_PRL_01 WC3 check for pages in public - OK
* SNF_PRL_02 Create new account - OK
* SNF_PRL_03 Change displaying language - OK
* SNF_PRL_04 Sign in/out - OK
* SNF_PRL_05 Remember my login - FAIL - remember me funcion doesn't work
* SNF_PRL_06 Users Management - FAIL - changes in profile editting
(mary) didn't reproduce to User Management page, but after Edit again -
edited values are displayed
* SNF_PRL_07 Groups Management - OK
* SNF_PRL_08 Memberships Management - OK
* SNF_PRL_09 Import application - OK
* SNF_PRL_10 Create/Edit/Delete category - OK
* SNF_PRL_11 Add application into category - FAIL - trying to set
permission on application which is not selected, I think that the
application should be add into "category test edit"
* SNF_PRL_12 Portlet - ISN'T PRESENT
* SNF_PRL_13 Add gadget(remote/create new) - FAIL - not correctly
started (Sign in->Dashboard...)
* SNF_PRL_14 Show or not Import Application icon - ISN'T PRESENT
* SNF_PRL_15 Link to pages - OK
* SNF_PRL_16 Expand All - ISN'T PRESENT
* SNF_PRL_17 Collapse All - ISN'T PRESENT
* SNF_PRL_18 Create new portal - OK
* SNF_PRL_19 Edit portal - OK
* SNF_PRL_20 Delete portal - FAIL -
waitForElementPresent //div[@class='CollapseIcon'], before this there is
twice clickAt "Platform", I think that there should be clickAt
"Platform" and then clickAt "Administrators" (or waitForElementPresent
"Platform", clickAt "Platform"), then there twice clickAt Save (should
be waitForElementPresent "Save", clickAt "Save"))
* SNF_PRL_21 Change using portal -OK
* SNF_PRL_22 Create/Edit page/Edit site layout for portal - OK
* SNF_PRL_23 Add Navigation - OK
* SNF_PRL_24 Edit navigation/Edit properties/Delete/ in Group Navigation
- OK
* SNF_PRL_25 Edit page of node - OK
* SNF_PRL_26 Move up/down a node - ISN'T PRESENT
* SNF_PRL_27 Create/Edit page/Edit site layout for group - (1,2) OK
* SNF_PRL_28 Add/drag-drop - OK
* SNF_PRL_29 Add/Edit?Delete tab - OK
* SNF_PRL_30 Create/Edit page/Edit site layout for user - OK
* SNF_PRL_31 Change language - OK
* SNF_PRL_32 Change skin - OK
* SNF_PRL_33 Setting account - OK (but has a wrong name -
LogoPortletAccSetting and code SNF_PRL_34)
* SNF_PRL_34 Change logo - INS'T PRESENT
There is also SNF_PRL_35 under which the advanced page adding/editing -
I can also reproduce the result file from test cases if needed.
Thanks a lot for for your replies.
15 years, 1 month
Testsuite Selenium update n°2
by Dimitri BAELI
A new version of the selenium scripts has been published, we continue to work on them.
Scripts 02 to 20 are quite finalized (data cleanup, asserts, and data with test number in it).
Java implementation improved a bit, currently tested on Beta04, we'll check for Beta05 tomorrow but we prefer to finalize the tests on current support version, and then update according to regressions.
Thank you,
Dimitri BAELI
VP Quality - eXo Platform
15 years, 1 month