Intellij license
by Julien Viet
It should expire next week.
I asked for a one year renewal.
I'll keep you informed.
11 years, 3 months
Doc migration preview
by Thomas Heute
We are moving docs from docbook in Git to Confluence on
Confluence has the option to use a WYSIWYG editor or a Wiki markup
editor, it instantly gives you something easy to read.
I migrated user guide and reference guide for check here, it seems that
it worked pretty nicely:
I want to give a few days so that people can check that the migration
process is ok.
It there is no objection, on Friday I will take the latest from Git and
regenerate those docs and send an email here. I will also delete the
docs folder from our Git repository.
From that moment, any doc change will have to be done through:
12 years, 3 months
new page service
by Julien Viet
in order to improve GateIn (performance, internal API, remove crap) we will work on a revamp of the MOP page access and provide a new page service.
While it's quite technical work, I feel it is important to write a spec for sharing and discussing about it because it will have an impact for several parties (GateIn UXP migration, GateIn API, QA).
Julien Viet
12 years, 3 months
GroupId change
by Boleslaw Dawidowicz
I will align maven groupId naming in gatein-portal. To follow common pattern it should be org.gatein.portal - like it is org.gatein.common, org.gatein.wci and org.gatein.pc for other components.
This means mass renaming in all artifacts and I plan to do it around end of this week. Let me know if you have any bigger pull request that you would prefer to do before this change so I can wait for it.
12 years, 3 months
GitHub noise
by Thomas Heute
Deeply sorry about noise on GitHub...
If you see this comment: "Can one of the admins verify this patch?" you can ignore...
I'm trying to setup a machine to trigger the testsuite on each PRs so that we know if it breaks the testsuite before it's applied.
And this bot says this comment...
I'll create a new user to make it clearer..
12 years, 3 months
WCI/PC branch WIP
by Julien Viet
I pushed the initial rewrite of the authentication in GateIn that is based on WCI and Servlet 3.0 authentication.
The good news is it improves things by simplifying the code and remove all the previous http redirects that we needed.
I wrote a doc about it there :
- Marek and Matt should look at the authentication with SSO and WS-Security
- Trong should look at the login form redirection for groups and users as now we don't rely anymore on servlet container security constraint (like it is already for portal pages)
Note that this integrates with the new Alpha common/wci/pc stack, Bolek and I have been working for a couple of weeks. I guess it could also affect WSRP if it is using WCI in some way (WCI has had many simplifications last week with the removal of unnecessary stuff).
12 years, 3 months
Re: [gatein-dev] Starting AS7 package with no parameter
by Nicolas Filotto
About exo.conf.dir and, the answer is no. About
gatein.conf.dir, I have no idea since it sounds like gatein specific but I
guess that the answer should be yes
On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 9:39 AM, Thomas Heute <theute(a)> wrote:
> Nicolas, can we specify exo.conf.dir,, gatein.conf.dir
> in a property file rather than command line ?
> Thomas.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [gatein-dev] Starting AS7 package with no parameter
> Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 10:47:51 +0200
> From: Thomas Heute <theute(a)>
> To: gatein-dev <gatein-dev(a)>
> At the moment starting GateIn with AS7 package requires to add 3
> parameters:
> -Dexo.conf.dir=$JBOSS_HOME/**standalone/configuration/**gatein
> -Dgatein.conf.dir=\\\${jboss.**server.config.dir}/gatein
> While in most cases they would not change.
> This is an issue for tools like Eclipse as well since they 'bypass'
> standalone.conf
> Do we have a way to make those, good defaults depending on the app
> server ? Or to have those written in a configuration/property file so
> that it doesn't require any command line parameter ?
> Also do we have good documentation about those 3 properties ?
> Thanks
> Thomas.
> ______________________________**_________________
> gatein-dev mailing list
> gatein-dev(a)
12 years, 3 months
Download links changes
by Thomas Heute
I'm going to move the download links of releases, the reason is that we
now have a way to list automatically all releases on to have
access to older releases and the directory to list is a mess (which
conventions that changed or were not respected).
I don't know any automated tools that rely on those locations, but if
anyone has one, then it may require a change. I will post here once done.
12 years, 3 months
Starting AS7 package with no parameter
by Thomas Heute
At the moment starting GateIn with AS7 package requires to add 3 parameters:
While in most cases they would not change.
This is an issue for tools like Eclipse as well since they 'bypass'
Do we have a way to make those, good defaults depending on the app
server ? Or to have those written in a configuration/property file so
that it doesn't require any command line parameter ?
Also do we have good documentation about those 3 properties ?
12 years, 3 months