Impersonation in GateIn Portal
by Marek Posolda
Hi all,
We've been requested several times by our users/customers to add
"impersonation" feature.
It may be useful for portal administrator to have possibility to
temporary login as another user without knowing his password. For
example: User /root/ wants to verify that user /mary/ really doesn't
have permission to see page X or portlet Y on page Z.
I've added specification page here . Feel free
to provide feedback here or in comments of specification.
Have a nice weekend!
10 years, 12 months
Intellij license
by Julien Viet
It should expire next week.
I asked for a one year renewal.
I'll keep you informed.
11 years, 4 months
Disabled user
by Nicolas Filotto
Just to let you know that the part of the spec that affects eXo Core has
been fully implemented in this branch The related JIRA
issues are and It will be available in JCR
1.16 that will be used in PLF 4.1/JPP 6.1
A new method has been added in the interface UserHandler to enable/disable
a user which is setEnabled(String userName, boolean enabled, boolean
broadcast), in case it cannot be supported by the implementation, an
UnsupportedOperationException can be thrown.
For each find methods in the interface UserHandler, we have the
corresponding method with a new parameter which is enabledOnly, the old
methods call the new ones with enabledOnly set to true.
Some old methods such as saveUser and authenticate can now throw a new
exception called DisabledUserException in case we try to interact with a
disabled user account.
The TCK has been reviewed to cover this new feature, I also added more unit
tests to make sure that all implementations behave the same way.
Finally, to allow the UI to be able to know which error occurred during the
authentication, I added a new method in the interface Authenticator which
is getLastExceptionOnValidateUser()
In this branch I also upgraded our internal implementations (hibernate and
ldap) and tested them successfully on Oracle 11G R2, MySQL 5.5, PGSQL 9.1,
DB2 9.7.4, MS SQL 2008 R2, H2, HSQLDB, Sybase 15.7 for hibernate and Active
Directory 2012, Oracle Directory Server 11g, open LDAP 2.4, openDS 1.2, 2.0
and 2.2.1 and ApacheDS 1.5.7 for ldap
I also upgraded our implementation based on eXo JCR in this branch
I need now to write some doc about this new feature.
@IDM Team you should have everything you need to upgrade IDM on your side.
@Gatein Team: you should have everything you need to update the UI
If you have any questions and/or remarks, feel free to share.
Nicolas Filotto
Project Leader JCR
eXo Platform SAS
11 years, 7 months
Shindig timeouts due to external javascript files
by Matt Wringe
Shindig has some external javascript libraries that it needs to download
when the server starts and when gadgets/dashboards are used. The
external ones seem to only be coming from google to support an analytics
This can cause problems when a user does not have access external
network access, and it some cases (although I have not been able to
reproduce this situation) causes long delays due to timeouts.
Can one of our Shindig experts please look into this issue?
Is there anyway we can configure the list of services for the feature
after its been built? Or add the javascript locally to the build so we
no longer have to fetch it from an external location?
NB: anyone know if the analytics feature is something we created in our
shindig fork? It doesn't appear to be in the upstream one.
11 years, 7 months
GateIn 4.0.0 cont
by Julien Viet
Hi all,
I've been pursuing the work started a couple of months ago on GateIn 4.0.0 during the last weeks and have reached a first milestone, there are the noticeable things:
1/ most of the work has been done on the portlet/page controller with a "stateless" integration of the portlet container concerning the portlet render parameters.
2/ the current packaging embeds everything in a single war file for simplifying deployment, the only shared lib is "portlet.jar"
3/ the persistence uses the in memory version of the MOP that was done a couple of month ago which is perfect for a demo (no file created and very fast startup).
4/ the new layout has been sketched by keeping the same structure we have in persistence and reusing containers for the various zones of the page.
I described here the technical aspects and the current status :
One important aspect of this work is about the quality of the work, the in memory persistence and the single war packaging allow the writing of portal unit tests (using Arquillian) and the most of the implemented features are tested, in particular the portlet container integration.
To conclude: I've been able to come up with a sample packaging that shows the parameter in action with a portlet showing the interaction of the render parameters on a page, you can download it here :
It is an executable jar based on Tomcat, you can run it with "java -jar" and it should work (sometimes it throws exceptions for some reason).
I hope this effort should continue in several areas
- finish the portlet container integration by supporting events
- provide a better implementation for layout
- implement the official public API
ps: I tried hard to make an AS7 packaging but was not able to come up to something that works. If someone wants to help I can push to his repository the in progress work for AS7 to continue it. I would be glad to have a working package and tag a milestone.
11 years, 8 months
Change Modal/Popup Behaviour
by Matt Wringe
The current behaviour of how the classic site handles modals (eg popups)
doesn't work well on mobile or touch based devices.
On the classic site, the modals are positioned on the page via
javascript and are configured to center the content when the browser
window's size has changed or a scroll event has occurred.
On mobile devices, when entering a form the device will scroll the page
to make room for the on-screen keyboard.
When a mobile device accesses a modal on the classic site, the page gets
scrolled via the browser for the on-screen keyboard and then the
portal's javascript will re-position the modal due to this scroll. This
modal is then always hidden behind the keyboard and it becomes unusuable.
A fix would be to remove the vertical movement during a scroll. The
horizonal movement will still exist and the modal is centered on the
page when it is first created, but it will no longer reposition itself
vertically afterwards. Since this is a behaviour change (and could be
reviewed as a feature regression) and I asking what people's thoughts
are on this and if people have a different idea on how to handle it.
branch which remove vertical movement on scroll:
Matt Wringe
NB: the mobile site does something different with all of this and uses a
purely css based solution to center the content horizontally and
vertically, but this solution doesn't work nicely with the fixed layout
of the classic site.
11 years, 8 months