An issue was brought up lately with cross context sessions not working
properly (, note that its
not really a wci issue and should probably be moved to the gatein pc
integration component)
We have a test^1 in the pc (portlet container) component for cross
context session sharing. For this test to pass we need to make a change
in the JBoss server configuration files^2. But we don't need to make any
changes for Tomcat.
On GateIn its a bit of a different situation. If we make the
configuration change for JBoss^2, then the example in GTNWCI-15 works.
But it doesn't work for Tomcat.
Looking into gtn a bit more, the session in GateIn is coming from the
server (with context path /portal) and not from the context path of the
portlet. In the pc test the session context path is the same as the
I can get this to work on Tomcat if I make a change to the http
connector to use emptySessionPath="true"^3.
Do we actually need to make there configuration changes, or I am missing
something and we need to change how the portal and portlet container are
2)we need to add <SessionCookie path="/"/> in the server context.xml,
this is being done in the pc tests and should have been setup in gatein
at the beginning, but I don't see in gatein anymore. We should add this
3) as mention
here that its useful for portlet specification implementations, but I
don't know if we actually need it or not.