On Wed, 2011-05-25 at 09:44 +0200, Christophe Laprun wrote:
On May 25, 2011, at 8:11 AM, Thomas Heute wrote:
> Thanks for sharing this Matt, see inline
> On 05/25/2011 05:08 AM, Matt Wringe wrote:
>> There have been some discussion on creating an api package to create a
>> simple way for people to interact and manipulate a gatein portal.
>> Example situations would be things like creating a gadget, adding an
>> application to a category, creating a page and adding it to a node,
>> adding applications to a page, managing users, etc...
> First I want to reiterate that for the scope of next release we said we
> stick with:
> - application registry features
> - page/navigation node metadata
> So
> - creating a page
> - adding apps to a page
> - managing users
> is out of scope for the coming release. (will be for the release after)
yes, so we don't need to include this as part of the first
implementation, but since its something we want to do in future
versions, its good to have an idea about how it could all work together.
>> Two different solutions have been created, both are a bit
different in
>> approach. These are preliminary and are not meant to be complete, it is
>> more meant to start of a discussion:
> Some rough notes I took while looking into it, I mainly looked at the
> testcases/usecases
> Looks like 2 first tests are contradicting themselves:
> assert portal.getContentRegistry().getCategory("inexistent") == null;
> assert portal.getContentRegistry().getCategory("inexistent") != null;
Yes, I noticed that as well and this has already been addressed in the code. Note that
I'm still debating wether getOrCreate methods are useful or not. They are useful for
users who just want to retrieve something whether it previously existed or not. I'm
not sure whether that's a predominant use case but I personally thought that it makes
writing code against the API a little cleaner by avoiding a lot of boilerplate code. It
also maps reasonably well to REST with the contract that GET will never fail (though I
need to think this one through more) :)
> ************
> public void assigningContentToAWindowOnAPage()
> is out of scope of what we will provide in that version, we agreed to
> have read-only info about pages/navigation nodes information without the
> info about page compositions.
I added this use case because this is actually something I need for WSRP (and I suspect
Nick would need as well) import/export so I wanted to see how that particular scenario
could work out.
> ************
> public void assigningContentToACategory()
> registry.getOrCreateCategory("category");
> I prefer getCategory() and createCategory() to be distinct (with proper
> exceptions), plus if there is a need for a getOrCreate or
> getCategory(String name, boolen create) we can add it later
Like I said, I'm still debating the usefulness of such methods. You'll see that
some use cases use the check-for-existence/create or get pattern whether others use
getOrCreate directly. It's true that we can add the getOrCreate methods later if
> category.getKnownManagedContentIds();
> Meaning ? Confused about the testcase. What's a ManagedContent ?
Basically Content is read-only: portlet, remote portlet, gadget, etc. When you add it to
a category, it becomes managed and some of its properties can then be modified (display
name, title, etc). Basically, you need something that is a wrapper around the read-only
content as a portlet can be added to different categories with different names (and
presumably at some point, different preferences though it's not currently available
via the application registry). I first had implemented a version that didn't require
ManagedContent but then it made using Content a lot more complex because you would need to
change the reference you held to a given Content after you added it to a category to be
able to manipulate it.
Basically, I previously had:
Application addedApp = category.add(application);
assert category.contains(name);
assert addedApp.equals(category.getApplication(name));
assert addedApp.isManaged();
assert !application.equals(category.getApplication(name)) : "The added application
should be wrapped so that it can be modified";
assert application.equals(addedApp.getDeployedParent());
List<Application> applications = registry.getManagedApplications(Filter.ALL,
Filter.ALL, Application.SORT_BY_NAME);
assert applications.size() == 1 : "There should only be one application
assert applications.contains(addedApp) : "Application should have become
assert !applications.contains(application) : "Original application should have been
left untouched";
Assert.fail("Shouldn't be possible to modify the original application. Use the
result of Category.add instead.");
catch (ApplicationException e)
// expected
for the full version.
So things were a lot trickier to deal with and I decided to make the concept explicit
rather than implicit.
Matt's version deals with this the same way I used to:
//NOTE: the returned application is _not_ the same object as the one
passed. The returned application
// should be mostly a clone of the passed application (but maybe
slightly different, eg the name passed may change something like the
public Application addApplication(String name, Application
but that opens a can of worms in my opinion as users might not
understand why they need to change the reference to their application
to be able to use it so I decided against transparent wrapping and in
favor of explicit one.
yes, I agree, its not a great solution with the current implementation.
The idea here was that an application type object would use the same
object class in the 'repository', in a category and on a page.
When you would add an application from the repository to the category,
it would inherit all the repositories properties, but they could also be
overwritten and customized. The idea would be the same for when you
place an application from a category onto a page.
We could also handle things like security permissions, where a parent
application security permissions always takes precedent.
But the current implementation is not going to really work nicely with
this. With the current implementation, many of the application
properties don't exist from the repository version.
Even though it makes for a slightly more complex API at first
I believe it's actually easier to deal with because things are
explicit and you keep the original content read-only.
So how do you handle adding an application from a category to a page?
Doesn't this have to create a new object with the same properties? Or do
you have repository applications, category applications and page
> I was actually expecting something more like:
> Portlet portlet = new Portlet(...);
> Category category = new Category(...);
> category.add(portlet);
> contentRegistry.save(category);
The less detached the API is, the better in my opinion. I would rather
also have an API that is persistent by default, i.e. you don't need to
do call save or update methods to persist the changes you made to
"detached" entities. I understand, though, that it might be tricky to
do so if we want to have large batches of modifications. I guess it
boils down to whether we want the API to be mainly read-oriented or
write-oriented or a mix of both. :)
I don't know if it makes sense to create the object separately if the
object should only exist as an element of another class.
> ************
> getSingleResult in Hibernate isn't the best thing created, it actually
> didn't make it through the JPA API.
> I would rather remove this method from the API, and potentially add it
> in some form later if really needed.
> - Nodes.getSingleOrFail(Query.<Dashboard>builder().where(filter).build());
Yes, this is just syntactic sugar but an API is also a lot about syntactic sugar (making
your users' life easier). However, it's probably a good idea to have a minimal
version of the API first and then add the methods to smooth out the desire paths
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desire_path) once we've had some feedback on the API.
Cordialement / Best,
Principal Software Engineer / JBoss Enterprise Middleware Red Hat, Inc.
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