it looks like you are having a classpath issue (that I've not seen on
my side).
you should investigate it.
On Mar 5, 2010, at 10:20 AM, Michal Vančo wrote:
today I tried to run unit tests with mysql, but still have failure in
the same test case - ChromatticIntegrationTestCase. (but not same
failure as before)
I only replaced db url, user and password in mysql5 profile.
I checked it with db in lab and localhost as well.
I run the tests by: mvn clean test -Pmysql5
Log is attached.
Thanks in advance for help.
Michal Vanco
Julien Viet píše v So 27. 02. 2010 v 22:55 +0100:
> I have resolved GTNPORTAL-696 : "Failure in GateIn unit tests on
> different DB than hsqldb", here is the status.
> The component tests have now an externalized JCR database
> configuration, that is defined in a maven profile in the portal
> parent
> pom, there are a few limitations:
> - mysql5 profile has been added, the URL points to the virtualbox
> running mysql configured on my machine with IP . I think
> it should be possible to make it more configurable of course. I'll
> let
> the community contribute it :-)
> - modules using IDM are using a separate hsqldb database
> - it is not really possible to run the tests from an aggregator pom
> as
> the database needs to be manually cleaned up (was automatic with
> hsqldb as it's in target directory)
> So it should be possible for Prabhat to run unit test of gatein on
> different databases.
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