yes, I confirm it does not prevent the runtime to work.
Apparently the configuration profiles could help this case
2009/12/25 Julien Viet <julien(a)>
Hi Trong,
I confirm I saw the same thing, yet it does not seem to prevent the runtime
to work, so the only thing is that it looks scary in the console.
The merge was done at the last minute for the release, so I think that
proper testing has not been done on Tomcat version. We'll be more careful
next time.
We need to see how the profiles addition to the kernel configuration can
help to make this a runtime thing as opposed as a deployment type thing as
it is now.
On Dec 25, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Trong Tran wrote:
Currently we have an exception when starting up GateIn beta05 ( trunk ) in
Tomcat only. Unfortunately, I have downloaded to try the released GateIn
beta04 tomcat binaries which is published i have got the
same problem.
In the log, it say that there are missing classes of WRSP integration like
following :
at java.lang.ClassLoader.findClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
Yes, we can realize the miss of WRSP artifacts when deploying GateIn with
Tomcat. indeed, we have deactivated the WSRP deployment on Tomcat for more
than two months ago GTNPORTAL-32.
i have tried to remove the following two lines in the Tomcat.js file in the
gatein/tools/packager project and the Tomcat has worked properly for me
* //GTNPORTAL-32 No WSRP on tomcat yet
product.removeDependency(new Project("org.exoplatform.portal",
"exo.portal.component.wsrp", "jar", product.serverPluginVersion ));
so should it be activated back ?
Tran The Trong
eXo Platform SAS
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