Hi All,
I have upgraded gatein trunk with a major thirdparty update:
It means that it is possible that you can observe different behavior when using the
server, but I'm confident that the changes are ok, however I would feel better if you
could review the patch.
The changes can be divided into two categories:
1/ JCR 1.14.0-CR1 upgrade that changes many thirdparties (like Groovy)
2/ Chromattic 1.1.0-beta2 that brings a few new features used by GateIn (like improved
support for mixins)
There is one change for JCR that was not done that is the upgrade of SLF4J to 1.6, because
it would need to change first a few dependencies consuming SLF4J 1.5.x (gatein
dependencies, Chromattic).