Marko can probably give more insight but the logic was moved to WCI to
invalidate but looks like only for JB7ServletContainerContext. The
commit is here
Maybe just add the invalidate in TC7ServletContainerContext like the
following commit ?
On 07/18/2013 12:16 AM, Phuong Viet VU wrote:
The problem happen afer this commit
On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Phuong Viet VU
<phuongvv(a) <>> wrote:
Hi all, I'm working on this issue GTNPORTAL-3184. To summary:
when user logout, the sessionDestroyed event is dispatched
and JAASConversationStateListener listener will clear the
coressponding Conversation object in the registry.
In WCI (TC7ServletContainerContext class) we have logout code like
*///This will change the sessionID/*
*///This code dispatch sessionDistroyed event/*
The JAASConversationStateListener receive session destroyed event
but with a difference sessionID. Then it can not remove the
corresponding Conversation object in the ConversationRegitry service
this cause memory leak in the ConversationRegitry and
IdentityRegistry service
Should we fix this in WCI ? I'm not sure about the solution, can
someone help me on this ?
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