with many improvements, the biggest ones
- contextual command line completion (a long wanted feature)
- advanced command documentation
- command grouping in the same Groovy class / sub commands à la "git add",
useful to bundle commands and promote reuse
- new packaging : a JCR independant packaging for use anywhere and the gatein packaging to
use with JCR.
the biggest change you should experience first is the connection to a repository, the
previous connect/disconnect commands are gone and replace by:
ws login -c portal -u root -p gtn portal-system
ws logout
then you can try the help system and the new "man" command:
log -h
log ls -h
man log
man log ls
the exact same documentation is now generated in the guide as a command reference (so
it's always accurate) that you can consult here
if you have written commands in the past, the arg4j is still supported but you should
rewrite your commands with the built in framework if you want to leverage the
documentation and completion.
There are more changes under the hood:
- a plugin system to boostrap the various part based on java.util.ServiceLoader and
decouple telnet / ssh
- an embedded mode, to bootstrap CRaSH inside a VM
- a new connector was added jline that provides a shell access in the same VM (so useful
for testing during dev or in embedded mode)
- a virtual file system, that search for commands in file system / war files / jars
let us know your feedback, I will blog about that later to give more details.