indeed that seems more a correct way of doing things, thanks for the
On Feb 24, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Nicolas Filotto wrote:
You should remove ".xsd" from the namespace (i.e.
, it would be much cleaner
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 2:18 PM, Julien Viet <julien(a)>
I have created the XML schema for GateIn objects that are deployed
from the configuration the initial time a portal is started.
The target namespace is
and it should not evolve as "1.0" release which means that it
describe what we support from the project perspective for the life
time of GateIn 3.x. Later we may need to update the model and if we do
so, it should be in a compatible manner between revisions. As for
, we have deliberately chosen to use the 1.0 versioning to show that
we decouple the evolution of the file from the evolution of the gatein
project. You can consider those format as what I call XPI for eXternal
Public Interface, i.e what we provide in a public manner that allow
users to use the project in a "safe" manner.
The XSD is available in gatein jars (in component.portal) and it
should be also hosted on its public URI sometime although it is not
necessary for the runtime. It can still also be reviewed by anyone
before the gatein 3.0 release in order to fix bugs in the XSD or
suggest a better structure of the schema.
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Nicolas Filotto
JCR Product Manager
Project Manager
eXo Platform SAS
+33 (0)6 31 32 92 19