I would like to clarify things about request dispatching in GateIn and in servlet
container more generally. Because there are many expectations that are not correct and
people are not usually aware of this, so I think there is a need for a clarification on
several points.
1/ When a request dispatch is performed from a servlet to another servlet in the same web
application or in a different web application (cross context dispatch), the request and
response provided can be custom request and response BUT they must subclass
ServletRequestWrapper and ServletResponseWrapper. There are at least two good reasons for
- The best one: the spec simply **mandates it** :
"The request and response parameters must be either the same objects as were passed
to the calling servlet's service method or be subclasses of the ServletRequestWrapper
or ServletResponseWrapper classes that wrap them."
- If a custom subclasses are made and implements the interface of HttpServletRequest and
HttpServletResponse, it will create code that will only run with the servlet API for which
is was compiled. If it is compiled with Servlet 2.5 API, then it will lead to classloading
exception in a Servlet 3.0 container. Conversely if it compiled with Servlet 3.0 API, then
it will not work anymore in Servlet 2.5 container because it will want to load non
existing classes (like for instance the new class javax.servlet.http.Part in Servlet 3.0)
2/ When a request dispatch occurs from one web application to another web application, the
http request/response used for dispatching must not be used during the dispatched
invocation. We have a chain like:
Container ---> Filter (/a) ---> Container ---> Servlet (/a) ---> Container [RD
to /b] ---> Filter (/b) ---> Container ---> Servlet (/b)
The Container is nearly in between all the various layers (filters and servlets) and is
performing important work. When dispatched in /b, using the request/response of /a is not
a correct thing to do.
3/ I know that GateIn does not provide a good solution for case 2 and we have had bugs
recently with that, mainly because code wants to store attributes in a scope that is
common to all web applications (i.e the portal session). So for now we are fixing things
to make them work, but in the next version of GateIn, we will come up with a correct
solution for that. I think also (that's my personal point of view), that the
PortletRequest and PortletResponse are not used when they should be, meaning that there is
no solution for sharing state between portlet that are not in the same web application. So
we will try to come with the best solution.