On Wed, 2011-01-26 at 16:26 +0100, Christophe Laprun wrote:
I'm trying to extract as much WSRP code as possible from GateIn so
that the WSRP service can be updated without having to update GateIn
itself and, ideally, be able to package it in a single (ear?) file so
that it can easily be removed without having configuration files all
over the place.
In this process, I'm running into several issues:
1. The extension mechanism documentation is rather poor at the moment.
Nowhere is it explained what extensions are good for, what can they be
used for and, more importantly, what *can't* they used for. For
example, it is not clear to me whether I could package the WSRP
service as an extension (though I'm pretty sure I can't).
You should be able to provide it as an extension, depending on what you
want to do with it.
The documentation for eXo kernel isn't very good, and its spread around
in different locations.
2. WSRP-related configuration is, at the moment, spread among
files located at different spots making it very difficult to extract
so that it can be removed (or added to a bare portal install). For
example, the main configuration file is located in
which is linked to by the main configuration.xml file. It would be
good if this file (and the linked ones) could, at the very least, be
moved to the component/wsrp module and dynamically picked-up at
runtime by the kernel. I don't know if this is possible, it might just
be a lack of kernel knowledge on my part.
You can add the configuration file through the extension mechanism (its
what the extension mechanism is meant for), so you can move it to
another module.
However, even if extracting these files (and avoiding to have to
to them in the main configuration.xml file) was possible, there are
still other dependencies left to be extracted. In particular, WSRP
needs to create JCR workspaces and at the moment, these need to be
defined in repository-configuration.xml. Is it possible to split that
file so t!
hat services can dynamically add new workspaces to the JCR repository
as needed at runtime?
don't know about the JCR configuration stuff :(
On that note, a lot of that configuration is pretty much similar
all the workspaces. Wouldn't it make sense to have reasonable default
values that users would override only if needed to avoid having long
and error-prone XML configuration?
3. The design of the ApplicationRegistryService makes it difficult to
support WSRP because of the assumption it makes on the format of
portlet identifiers leading to lots of hardcoded information and
if-else cases which makes the code brittle and difficult to evolve.
Independently of WSRP support, it would break if the portlet container
was ever to change its identifier format. I would like to start a
discussion on fixing this issue even though I know this is not the
priority at the moment.
TL,DR summary: What would be the best way to extract and package the
WSRP-related code so that it could be added/removed dynamically (while
the server is stopped at least, though, of course, hot-deploy would be
even better ^_^)?
You can't dynamically add or remove things right now with the exo
With the extension mechanism it requires that the ear be deployed when
the server is started for the _first_ time. If you add or remove it
after, it wont work (and will fill your logs with a bunch of errors).
So if the wsrp.ear is available when the server first starts, its added.
If the wsrp.ear is removed before the server is first started, its not
It sucks, which is why we need a proper xml based deployment
Cordialement / Best,
Principal Software Engineer / JBoss Enterprise Middleware Red Hat, Inc.
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