On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:29 AM, Arnaud Héritier wrote:
I'm reviewing few builds these days and found some problems :
* I have a build issue for WSRP trunk on my side because it is configured to be
compatible with Java 5 and uses a Java 6 API String.isEmpty() : Bug or build environment
to update ?
Incertitude on the coder's side. I want to use Java 6 but I'm not sure I can… When
I remember about it I use String.length() == 0 instead of isEmpty() as seen in my last
commits. trunk is Java 6, 2.0.x branch is tentatively still Java 5 (at least, that's
the goal). Then again it seems that the test suite doesn't run on Java 5… :(
Otherwise, WSRP works on Maven 3, correct (and thanks for the curation, btw)? :)
* I have a build failure for PC trunk in the plugin
It occurs in a job I configured in Maven 3. Did you test to build this project with
Maven 3 and do you know if this plugin is supposed to be compatible with it ?
JBoss Unit is a bane on our existence (sorry, Julien) :p
* Others Maven 3 incompatibilities I found with maven 3 but which
are known are in portal and are about ex(h)o(rrible)build (is disappearing) and
jdocbook-maven-plugin (must be fixed, see :http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-4813)
Cordialement / Best,
Principal Software Engineer / JBoss Enterprise Middleware Red Hat, Inc.
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