[gsoc] GSOC Students, what excites you? (Anil Saldhana)

Jevgeni Zelenkov jevgeni.zelenkov at googlemail.com
Fri Apr 20 12:27:32 EDT 2012

Hi Anil,

here is my very honest answer to the question:

for (String s : new String[] {"a)", "b)", "c)", "d)"})
     System.out.println(s + " Yes");

Best Regards,
Jevgeni Zelenkov

On 04/20/2012 06:00 PM, gsoc-request at lists.jboss.org wrote:
> a) Is it the thrill of being in the gsoc 12 program?
> b) Is it the money from the gsoc program?
> c) Are you very interested to add JBoss Community on your resume?
> d) Are you doing this because you want to be part of the JBoss Community
> Open Source ecosystem?

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