[hibernate-dev] Chat migration - D minus 115 until the death of HipChat

Radim Vansa rvansa at redhat.com
Thu Dec 6 05:11:27 EST 2018

On 12/06/2018 10:40 AM, Guillaume Smet wrote:
> So, I'm using Zulip right now on a daily basis.
> I maintain my first impression that it's really not user friendly.
> The fact that you are required to create topics for discussions

Why is creating a new topic (=typing three extra words) an issue? This 
is the killer feature why many people love Zulip.

(I would not spend more than 5 seconds checking for any existing topic 
on similar matter)

> (or find a
> suitable topic in a list of a gazillion topics previously created,
> obviously without a search engine where you need it - you have a global one
> at the top where you can find topics) is a pain. You also need to use
> ctrl+enter to send a message, the default enter is a new line in your
> message.

There's a checkbox just next to the Send button, check it once and the 
setting persists.

> The UI is not very good and I don't see any improvement since the
> last time I tested it so I'm wondering if they are investing in it.

Maybe they don't have feedback? Besides zooming in (View - Zoom In) I am 
perfectly satisfied with the UI.

Actually one thing that I am not 100% comfortable with is the 
active/inactive status, which marks people inactive despite they have 
the client just on the background.


> We could decide to use it as a dev team as I suppose we would get used to
> it, but I seriously don't think it's a good alternative for our users to
> occasionally come chat with us.
> As for Gitter, I agree with the notification issue, the web client is all
> buggy. Haven't tested the desktop client yet.
> I must admit that I prefer using Gitter. Probably until I get bitten by the
> 1-1 history issue :).
>  From what I can see, GitLab doesn't invest much in Gitter either so I
> wonder if it's gonna be viable in the long term.
> I suppose we'll see.

Radim Vansa <rvansa at redhat.com>
JBoss Performance Team

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