[jboss-as7-dev] depending on jackson-mapper-asl

Jason Greene jgreene at redhat.com
Wed Sep 7 09:55:51 EDT 2011

It comes in from resteasy. The issue is that due to the way jax-rs/resteasy plugins are loaded we have to add them to every EE deployment that uses jax-rs. So the obvious problem will be an app using search and jax-rs.

Note that long term the resteasy loading mechanism could potentially be changed to isolate completely. We would have to investigate it in more detail.

In any case Its probably no big deal to update this lib, we just need to talk to Bill. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 6, 2011, at 9:45 AM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne at hibernate.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> we're working on Hibernate Search 4, which sports besides many other
> changes a revamped serialization framework which uses Apache Avro;
> this is an important component towards a better integration with
> Infinispan and unlocking all potential of Hibernate OGM.
> Avro depends on:
> org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-core-asl    (using 1.7.3)
> org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-mapper-asl    (using 1.7.3)
> com.thoughtworks.paranamer:paranamer    (using 2.3)
> org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java    (using 1.0.1-rc3)
> While Hibernate Search is not part of the Application Server
> distribution, we noticed that the AS depends on jackson-mapper-asl too
> and some early adopters reported version conflicts.
> Even forcing Search to use the same version as AS 7.0.1 (1.6.3) all
> our tests are fine, but we would rather not bind our project to depend
> to AS7's specific versions, if you can suggest better alternatives.
> Please consider I'm not familiar with the AS7 classloader isolation
> details, but since we're not living under a stone our expectation was
> that application code should be isolated from this; is this something
> that should be enabled, or is Jackson "special" ?
> Possibly the users reporting these issues are doing something wrong? I
> have no forum links as this started from IRC but I can ask for more
> details if you could suggest what to look for.
> Regards,
> Sanne
> https://hibernate.onjira.com/browse/HSEARCH-887
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