[jbossws-dev] Re: Web Service Stack for EAP 5

Heiko Braun hbraun at redhat.com
Wed Mar 19 08:46:00 EDT 2008

Good point.
'Quick' is a question of what we need to achieve in terms of
product requirements. The 'price' we pay is something that's hard to
determine. But certainly you'd have to consider maintainability of the
code base as well. 

It might as well be that the native stack is both the quickest and the
most maintainable way to achieve our goals.

So, let's start talking about facts.
What do the JBoss products require?


On Wed, 2008-03-19 at 12:40 +0000, Mark Little wrote:
> We'd definitely get there quicker. But not "for free" ;-)

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