[keycloak-user] Token is not active, message shown after login

LEONARDO NUNES leo.nunes at gjccorp.com.br
Mon Mar 28 13:36:37 EDT 2016

I have Keycloak 1.9.1 installed on a testing server and on our production server. Both server have the same operating system, java version and most of the configurations. Keycloak at both server also have the same configurations.
There's an application running on a Tomcat at my local machine that connects to the keycloak server.

When I connect my local application to the keycloak at the testing server everything works fine.
When I connect to the keycloak at the production server we are having the following problem:

- I open my local application and navigate to a restricted URL
- Keycloak login screen opens
- I enter the username and password and click Log in

The following error is returned to the browser:
HTTP Status 403 -
type Status report
description Access to the specified resource has been forbidden.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.67

The following error shows at my Tomcat log:
mar 28, 2016 11:26:15 AM org.keycloak.adapters.OAuthRequestAuthenticator resolveCode
ERROR: failed verification of token: Token is not active.

If I navigate to Sessions at the Keycloak admin console, there's an active session.
If I click Logout all the following error is shown:
Error! Failed to logout users under: Verify availability of failed hosts and try again

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