
Mike McGrady mmcgrady at
Sun Jul 5 11:07:35 EDT 2009

So, following up on my last post on this, what I propose to do, if you  
like, is:

FIRST to continue my study of Netty with a view to learning what is  
going on and documenting the process.  I do a lot of graphics in  
learning a new framework or app.

SECOND to make the artifacts of this process available for use as  
people see fit; not as a standalone "product".

THIRD to begin adding to the official documentation once I have a clue  
about what is really happening with Netty and perhaps adding other  
suggestions as well.



On Jul 2, 2009, at 7:22 PM, 이희승 (Trustin Lee) wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> Sure.  We are interested.  However, I would prefer contributing to the
> official user guide rather than rewriting.  If you think  
> reorganization,
> let me know so that we can find a way to the better documentation.
> Thanks,
> Trustinn/listinfo/netty-dev

Mike McGrady
Principal Investigator AF081-028 AFRL SBIR
Senior Engineer
Topia Technology, Inc.
mmcgrady at

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