[rules-users] Re: Compilation failed on BRMS with multi-consequence DSL phrase

Benjamin J McMillan ben at benmcmillan.com
Wed May 14 11:16:32 EDT 2008

Yet another follow up to below,

On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 12:16 -0400, Benjamin J McMillan wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 12:05 -0400, Benjamin J McMillan wrote:
> > I have a single DSL phrase that performs 2 actions, delimited by a
> > semicolon. This compiles and works fine under Eclipse. However, when I
> > uploaded the same DSL to the BRMS and rewrote the same rule that uses
> > this phrase, rule validation failed:

> So, it seems this only affects the BRMS' guided rule editor.

I apologize for not narrowing this down further before posting last
time. I did some more testing and discovered that the issue was not
multiple actions but rather the way we were using "modify" inside the
DSL (still, using the guided editor). 

Apparently, the guided editor's validator only accepts MVEL (bean) style
assignments within a modify statement (ie, location = "foo" ->
setLocation("foo")) AND NOT either a setter or any other public method
(ie, setLocation("foo") or addLocation("foo","bar")).

The text based (DSL assisted) editor successfully validates the java
style DSL phrase as used in the same rule. 

My initial post includes the DSL phrase in question.


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