see below...
On 4 March 2010 16:53, Michal Vančo <mvanco(a)> wrote:
during the EPP5 ER3 testing I found following issues which are also
present in trunk version of GateIn:
- Dashboard - link Add gadget is present only for root user. It means
that I can't edit Dashboard under other user than root, I tried it under
john, mary, demo and new registered user. I think that all user should
be able to edit its dashboards (because it is personal page - not
Currently, the implementation is that the link "Add gadget" will be present
if the current user has edit permission on the page owning the dashboard
portlet. so it seems to be a bug anyway
However, now we can re-define how and who is able to add gadgets to the
dashboard if the current implementation is not reasonable
- Application registry - When I edit display name of portlet in
Application registry, in menu on left side is displayed this name
converted to camel-case, but in tooltip there is correct (not converted)
display name.
it is what we wanted that the first letter of display name will be uppercase
in the left side.
I also attach screens for better understanding.
I want to ask if there is some reason for this behavior or is it a bug?
I'm going to create jiras for that.
Thanks in advance for reply.
Michal Vanco
gatein-dev mailing list
Tran The Trong
eXo Platform SAS