according to RealmAuthenticationAdapter.newInstance() method implementation containing
the following code:
public static RealmAuthenticationAdapter newInstance(Object context) {
RealmAuthenticationAdapter adapter = null;
URL url = null;
if (context == null) {
url = SecurityUtil.loadFromClasspath("META-INF/services/" +
} else {
url = SecurityUtil.loadFromContext("/META-INF/services/" +
UsernameAuthenticator, context);
if (url != null) {
Object obj = SecurityUtil.loadSPIClass(url, UsernameAuthenticator);
if ((obj != null) && !(obj instanceof RealmAuthenticationAdapter)) {
throw new XWSSecurityRuntimeException("Class :" + obj.getClass().getName()
+ " is not a valid RealmAuthenticationProvider");
adapter = (RealmAuthenticationAdapter) obj;
if (adapter != null) {
return adapter;
return new DefaultRealmAuthenticationAdapter();
The relevant piece of code is:
if ((obj != null) && !(obj instanceof RealmAuthenticationAdapter)) {
throw new XWSSecurityRuntimeException("Class :" +
And because your RealmAuthenticator fulfils all preconditions:
public class RealmAuthenticator extends RealmAuthenticationAdapter implements
javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler {
I bet this is the classloaders related issue.
Remember that two classes equals if and only if:
ClassA:ClassloaderForA instance of ClassB:ClassloaderForB <=>
ClassA == ClassB && ClassloaderForA == ClassloaderForB
How did you install Metro? Using our "ant deploy-jbossXYZ" way, right?
Try the following steps and let me know if it will work:
* Put your RealmAuthenticator to a jar, let's say it's name is
* Include META-INF/services/com.sun.xml.xwss.RealmAuthenticator file to refer to your
impl in my-authenticator.jar
* Copy my-authenticator.jar to jbossws.deployer directory
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