anonymous wrote : How did you install Metro? Using our "ant deploy-jbossXYZ"
way, right?
| Try the following steps and let me know if it will work:
| * Put your RealmAuthenticator to a jar, let's say it's name is
| * Include META-INF/services/com.sun.xml.xwss.RealmAuthenticator file to refer to your
impl in my-authenticator.jar
| * Copy my-authenticator.jar to jbossws.deployer directory
sincere thanks for your reply, richard. much appreciated.
i installed metro with the ant deploy-jbossXXX command line in the root installation dir
of the metro binary distribution (jbossws-metro-bin-dist). just like the instructions
i followed alessio soldano's instructions on how to configure wsit in metro pretty
closely. including, having the RealmAuthenticator in the exact location in the web
service's war file that those instructions prescribe.
i put my RealmAuthenicator class in a jar file (my-authenticator.jar) like you said. i
also included in the jar file a META-INF/services/com.sun.xml.xwss.RealmAuthenticator
file. here are the contents of that com.sun.xml.xwss.RealmAuthenticator file:
i put that jar file into jboss-5.0.1.GA-jdk6\server\default\deployers\jbossws.deployer
to avoid ambiguity, i will make this clear: that RealmAuthenticator.class file is an entry
in that jar file with the following path:
that is the location alessio soldano's instructions say it should be in. that is the
location that the RealmAuthenticator is in in the war file i referred to in my original
post (the war file that cause the problem in the first place).
because you did not say specifically what the path of the RealmAuthenticator class should
be in my-authenticator.jar, i also tried another jar (my-other_authenticator.jar) with the
following path:
with both jars: nothing happened. no message from jboss. nothing.
anonymous wrote : ...let me know if it will work...
how do you know if it "works"? should anything in particular happen? what should
i do next?
thanks again for your help, richard
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