"sun-certified" wrote :
| for some reason, i'm getting:
"com.sun.xml.ws.security.opt.crypto.dsig.SignedInfo nor any of its super class is
known to this context" errors. i've upgraded my jdk from j2se 5 to jdk 6.
i've copied jaxb-api.jar, jaxws-api.jar and saaj-api.jar from the jboss
5.0.1.GA-jdk6installation to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed; i tried rolling back to jboss
4.2.3 - and then back to jboss 5.0.1 again; at one point, i also added
@XmlSeeAlso(com.sun.xml.ws.security.opt.crypto.dsig.SignedInfo.class) to my SEI. but i
still get this error!
| one of my colleagues suggested that it might be worth turning off jboss'
implementation of metro, and dropping in sun's metro implementation jars instead. my
first thought was, "there's no way that would work!" am i right? surely,
jboss's own implementation of metro will work best with jboss' other components.
right? or maybe i am missing something fundamental, and the two implementations really are
interchangeable. it would be great if it were the case. but that can't be right. can
it? it seems to me it would cause even more problems that i'd hope to solve.
You have to follow installation instructions, always!
If you want to switch the stack, use "ant deploy-jbossXYZ" from our distros.
The stacks are interchangeable when you're using J2EE standard libraries only i.e.
JAX-WS, JWS etc.
If you're using proprietary features (non J2EE standards yet) such as WS-Security,
this is not portable cross different SOAP stacks.
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