I temporarily solved the problem by storing the request body, which is
contained in ApiRequest.rawRequest object, in a temporary buffer. I then
process the data (authentication) and based on the results proceed with the
policy chain or report a failure. Then in the end() method of the
requestDataHandler method I write the contents of my temporary buffer using
super.write(IApimanBuffer). That way I can forward the request to then ext
policy in the chain. But this is still a hacky way of doing this.
I would be glad to help with extending SOAP support. But I would need a few
pointers where to start. The way of storing SOAP headers in the ApiRequest
object seems like a good idea.
2016-03-24 18:40 GMT+01:00 Eric Wittmann <eric.wittmann(a)redhat.com>:
Hi Benjamin - thanks for the excellent question. I will do my best
answer and note that I am CC'ing the apiman-dev mailing list so others can
chime in.
First let me say that a WS-Security policy sounds great - we haven't
focused much on the WS-* protocols because we get much more demand for
managing REST APIs than SOAP APIs. That said, better SOAP support is
certainly on the radar. When that happens, my hope is that processing the
envelope might be a core part of the gateway and so implementing policies
that use information in there will be easier. Perhaps your implementation
can be the genesis of some of that work!
To your question - without core changes to apiman, the approach you *need*
to take is to have your policy implement IDataPolicy. I believe you may
have already tried that, and observed that you cannot send proper policy
failures from that method. You are right - that's something we will need
to fix! I think you should be able to throw a runtime exception from the
write(IApimanBuffer chunk) method if you detect an error. However, this is
a little bit hacky!
Instead, I suggest (if you're up for it) that we perhaps work together to
bake SOAP support directly into the core of apiman, such that the SOAP
envelope is read/parsed *before* the policy chain is executed. We could
expose, for example, the SOAP headers as a proper Map<> stored either in
the context or on the ApiRequest. This would allow you to properly
implement most (all?) WS-* protocols as proper apiman policies in the
apply(ApiRequest request) method.
On 3/24/2016 7:58 AM, Benjamin Kastelic wrote:
> Greetings,
> I first thought to write this question as an issue on Github, but it
> seemed better to write you a direct email.
> I am making a custom WS Security policy, that reads the body and check
> the UsernameToken security header. This works OK, but now I've hit a wall.
> In the doApply method I get the rawRequest object and read the body from
> the ServletInputStream of the request. The problem I'm facing now is
> that the input stream was read and it can't be reset back to it's
> initial state.
> I was also trying to implement the same logic in the requestDataHandler
> method, but I don't know if it is even possible to send a failure
> message to the request chain from there.
> Any suggesstions ?
> Best regards,
> Benjamin
Lp, Benjamin