On 18.2.2014 15:32, Bill Burke wrote:
> Customer portal error messages are horrible at best. First I
forgot to deploy the database services, which caused the exception "Unexpected
character ('<' (code 60)): expected a valid value (number, String, array,
object, 'true', 'false' or 'null')". This should have
probably been something like "Database services not found". Then I deployed
database services, but used the wrong WAR name in the secure-deployment and the error
message was the same, but should have been "Unauthorized".
> >
Long standing issue. I'll fix that.
I've tried distribution yesterday to check it works with databases and 2
more things related to examples:
- There is minor issue that subsystem-config.xml is in the examples ZIP
distribution in directory "preconfigured-demo" but should be in
"unconfigured-demo" IMO because preconfigured-demo already has these
predefined JSON files for adapter configuration and can work with empty
subsystem definition.
- It seems that "third-party" and "third-party-cdi" in
doesn't work. Not sure if subsystem will support configuration of
oauth-clients as well, but right now it doesn't look like that. Now
these examples always assume that you have keycloak.json file available
and read configuration from it.