The problem with moving it is pretty much what you said. New account
console is just another theme. So during development, you got to
standalone.xml and set your theme directory to something like
If the files for new account console were in a different spot then you
wouldn't be able to use them with the other pre-defined themes.
On 11/5/2019 9:24 AM, Alex Szczuczko wrote:
I've been looking at this for a while now, and I'm thinking
that it'd be
best to split the
and its associated files into a new maven pom. It would help this build to
work more elegantly, but it is possible for me to maintain it in the
current structure, if moving files around would be too disruptive to
development at this stage.
It's all a bit of a mess at the moment because account2 is assumed to be
non-compiled like the rest of the "themes", and it isn't. It has its own
package.json that needs to be used at build time.
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