Together with Ioan Eugen Stan (in CC) we'll be doing a talk at
adaptTo()'2018 conference [1] that will take place 12-13 September in
Potsdam, Germany. It's an event dedicated to Apache Sling and
everything around it. The talk will be titled "Modern authentication in
Sling with OpenID Connect and Keycloak".
As you might guess, we're going to present Sling + Keycloak integration
which I hope we'll manage to implement by the time of the conference :)
that said, we welcome any thoughts that might help us with that.
Now for technical details, Sling is an OSGi-based content-oriented web
framework that runs on top of Apache Felix and uses Felix HTTP Service.
I've examined Keycloak OSGi adapter and found its name a bit confusing;
seems like it's only suitable for JBoss Fuse, depending on Pax Web
(correct me if I'm wrong).
Right now I see two scenarios, the first is to take current OSGi
adapter and adapt it (sorry for tautology) to Felix HTTP Service; the
second is to use the existing servlet filter adapter. I'd say I would
prefer the second variant, as it's more straightforward. Felix and
Sling have a proven and well-documented support for servlet filters,
however, we'll have to solve the problems of packaging for OSGi, filter
registration, configuration and more deep integration with Sling's
security framework.
Also please let us know if you consider our (future) code worth being
contributed to Keycloak codebase. Most likely, the deliverables will
include 1) servlet filter adapter packaged as OSGi bundle, 2) the Sling
adapter proper.
Cheers and hope to hear from you,