+1 overall. Comments below.
On 10/16/2014 6:54 AM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
To make it easier for users to configure Keycloak I propose we add a
self-documenting feature to SPIs and Providers.
This would also allow us to do some sanity check on keycloak-server.json.
To achieve this we would do the following:
1. Add Spi#getDescription and update all implementations to have a short description
about the Spi
This part is a no-brainer. I think we should do it right away.
2. Add ProviderDescription[1] interface, ProviderFactory
implementations can optionally implement this interface. All our built-in providers should
implement ProviderDescription
I'd like us to give this more thought before we
commit. One of the
problems I ran into with tighter WildFly integration was that
keycloak-server.json doesn't translate very well into DMR. So I'd like
to see that our config options and types will work with that.
DMR already has two-way JSON translation built in because JSON is used
as its wire format. Perhaps we should adopt that as our standard. It's
a tiny library and it's very nice to work with. The public API is only
three classes.
We would just need to make sure our JSON is readable with
3. Add some sanity check of keycloak-server.json
4. Fix config in keycloak-server.json that doesn't follow the spi/provider format
(applies to scheduled and theme)
Using the above details we can generate a reference guide to include in the
documentation. In the future we could also make it possible to configure through the admin
It's only a couple hours work and I'd like to include it in 1.1.0.Beta1.
More details below.
#2 Add ProviderDescription
* String getDescription
* ConfigOption[] getConfigOptions()
* String getName
* String getDescription
* boolean isRequired
* Type getType
Type (enum)
* OPTIONS(String.. options)
You'll also need lists, arrays, a "type"
type, etc. DMR already has
this stuff and it's mature. I think it would fit perfectly. Just use
DMR's ModelType.Type enum instead of your custom enum.
You might also want to think about things like localization of
getDescription() and using a validation framework in case "isRequired"
isn't enough. WildFly has libraries for all that stuff too if we want
to use it.
#4 Fix config in keycloak-server.json
"scheduled": {
"interval": 900
"timer": {
"defaultInterval: 900
"theme": {
"default": "keycloak",
"staticMaxAge": 2592000,
"cacheTemplates": "${keycloak.theme.cacheTemplates:true}",
"cacheThemes": "${keycloak.theme.cacheThemes:true}",
"folder": {
"dir": "${keycloak.theme.dir}"
"theme": {
"provider": "default",
"default": {
"defaultTheme": "keycloak",
"staticMaxAge": 2592000,
"cacheThemes": "${keycloak.theme.cacheThemes:true}",
"themeDir": "${keycloak.theme.dir}"
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