On 8/19/16 9:04 AM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
On 19 August 2016 at 14:57, Bill Burke <bburke(a)redhat.com
<mailto:bburke@redhat.com>> wrote:
On 8/19/16 2:34 AM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
> On 18 August 2016 at 19:26, Bill Burke <bburke(a)redhat.com
> <mailto:bburke@redhat.com>> wrote:
> On 8/18/16 1:13 AM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
>> One problem with this approach is that you end up having a
>> separate JDBC connection and transaction even if it uses the
>> same database the Keycloak server uses.
> Something we have to fix anyways. Its on my todo list.
>> Take a look at
>> for example which allows adding custom entities to the main
>> EntityManager.
> I'm really not a big fan of this extension and this is
> something I do not want to support for product ever.
> Why, please elaborate? IMO it's a really nice and simple way to
> add a few extra entities for custom providers.
Are you going to make our JPA entity classes public? If not,
what's the point of this extension? Now that we have real
deployers, its now easier to write your own persistence unit.
Take a look at the example:
Has nothing to do with our entity classes. It allows users to easily
register an extra entity in our persistence unit, so same connection
and transaction and no need to create a persistence unit at all. It
also has support for Liquibase so schema is update the same way as
with our stuff. Users would then get the EntityManager from the
JpaConnectionProvider and be able to get their custom entities from there.
It's simpler than what you have. Doesn't work if folks want a
different database and such though.
I disagree. Its not simpler than using
standard EJB/JPA.
@PersistenceContext EntityManager em;
is simpler than
EntityManager em = KeycloakSession.getProvider(JpaConnectionProvider.class);
You do have a point about liquibase, but then, we would also have to
support Liquibase forever too...
This should only be a community feature not a product one.