I'd like to have a simple way to demo LDAP and Kerberos support. To that
end we should add a Vagrant setup with the following:
* Keycloak server
* MySQL or Postgres
* FreeIPA
* Workstation with Kerberos authentication (needs X and Firefox installed)
The Keycloak server should already be configured to use the FreeIPA server
as a user federation provider (using LDAP and Kerberos). The workstation
can be co-located with FreeIPA server if it makes things much simpler, but
it should be possible to login to the workstation with Kerberos. Firefox
should be pre-configured for Kerberos to work both on Keycloak login and
FreeIPA admin console.
I want a proper database and a web based client for the database so it's
simple to inspect the database.
Bruno has already volunteered to look into this, but first we should make
sure this is the setup we'd like to be able to showcase.