Take a look at
https://github.com/stianst/authenticator-example. It's just
a POC, but it does pretty much what you're after with regards to an out of
bands authenticator.
Now to make it nice there's two aspects that needs to be worked on:
1. Support for additional multi factor mechanisms - users should be able to
choose between available means, pluggable support including configuration,
etc.. I hope this is something we'll be working on soon.
2. Push based out of bands - we need some concept of authentication events
that the authenticator web page can wait for. I would assume this would use
For Google prompt it would be nice to have that available OOTB, but it does
depend on #1 to allow us to properly support more than one multi factor in
a realm.
On Mon, 25 Jun 2018 at 11:23, James Holland <james.holland(a)outlook.com>
I've added the feature request
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-7675 for this.
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