Hi Team,
I am trying to setup a standalone keycloak server and able to do it.
With the help of keycloak I am trying to secure REST endpoints which I am
exposing in my spring boot application.
I have all required steps to configure keycloak with spring boot
application link -
- creating new realm.
- Creating new client in that realm.
- new admin and user roles
- creating users with admin and user roles.
I am able to get access token with the help of admin user like below -
curl -d
And with the help of retrieved token i have able to hit GET end points of
my application.
But when I do POST, PUT, DELETE requests with token i get --
"timestamp": "2018-09-03T11:27:16.266+0000",
"status": 403,
"error": "Forbidden",
"message": "Forbidden",
"path": "/ds/api/v1/template/create"
It might be a scope issue on the user I am creating, but I am not getting
any pointer to give correct scope to user.
Kindly suggest any pointer or help will be very much appreciated. Thanks!
Mahendra Anand
Mobile - +91 9711429614
Skype - mahendra.anand