In a project I’m working on we need to restrict access to a certain resource (URL) to a
single person only. We’re using keycloak-gatekeeper in front of this resource to restrict
As far as I understand, in order to achieve this in the current architecture, this would
involve creating a new group for each separate user and in keycloak-gatekeeper add this
group to the list of allowed groups for this resource.
As this involves creating a group for each user (lots of overhead), I envisioned a new
filter in the keycloak-gatekeeper project for resources based on `AllowedUsers` (next to
the existing ones for e.g. roles and groups). This would allow us to specify for any given
resource, the user that is allowed access to it specifically. I’ve created some initial
code for this in a fork
and am looking for some feedback of the community to see if I missed any other way to
solve this problem and whether such a feature seems interesting to others as well.
Any help is appreciated!