It's not yet clear... Maybe we can rename tab to "Role Scopes"? Will it
be clearer or even more confusing? :)
On 15/03/18 13:13, Schuster Sebastian (INST/ESY1) wrote:
Is the long-term goal to make the "Scopes" tab for clients
go away? Because currently it's a bit confusing both are there...
Best regards,
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Schuster
Engineering and Support (INST/ESY1)
Bosch Software Innovations GmbH | Ullsteinstr. 128 | 12109 Berlin | GERMANY |
Tel. +49 30 726112-485 | Fax +49 30 726112-100 | Sebastian.Schuster(a)
Sitz: Berlin, Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg; HRB 148411 B
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Lücke; Geschäftsführung: Dr. Stefan Ferber,
Michael Hahn
-----Original Message-----
From: keycloak-dev-bounces(a) []
On Behalf Of Marek Posolda
Sent: Mittwoch, 14. März 2018 18:47
To: keycloak-dev(a)
Subject: [keycloak-dev] Initial client scopes PR
I've finally send PR for the first
iteration of client scopes. I will talk on tomorrow call about the details and still need
to write some more automated tests. But I am seing PR now if someone wants to take a
- Client Templates were renamed to "Client Scopes". Some things were removed
from the client template admin console (EG. Theme setting added recently). Also I've
removed some ClientTemplate model properties, which were never used. Client Scope still
has list of protocol mappers and list of "Scopes" (Roles scope mappings).
- There is new tab "Client Scopes" on client. Here you can assign client scopes
to client. Each client has 2 types of client scopes:
-- Default client scopes -- Those client scopes are automatically applied when login with
the client. Their protocol mappers and "Role scope mappings" are always used.
-- Optional client scopes -- Those client scopes are applicable just for OIDC clients.
They are used just if they are requested by "scope"
parameter during login
- Under "Client scopes", there is new tab "Default Client Scopes" .
This allows to specify "Realm default client scopes" and "Realm optional
client scopes". The scopes configured here will be added as default/optional scopes
to new clients. Client can override this (Remove those defaults and add some different
client scopes). So it works similarly to Default Roles.
- Roles don't have "Scope Param Required" flag anymore. Protocol mappers
don't have "Consent required" and "Consent text" anymore. Client
scopes don't have "Full scope allowed" flag. But clients still have
"Full scope allowed" flag for now and it's still ON by default for newly
created clients.
- There are few builtin client scopes added to each realm. There are 4 claims scopes
defined in OIDC specification and those are added by
default: "profile", "email", "address" and
"phone" with the protocol mappers corresponding to the claims described in OIDC
specification [1].
-- The "profile" and "email" are configured as default scopes and
hence are automatically added to new clients.
-- The "phone" and "address" are configured as optional scopes by
-- The clients now doesn't have any protocolMappers added by default when they are
created. I've added "profile" and "email" as default scopes due
it's most close to the previous default protocolMappers we had.
- For SAML, there is "role_list" default client scope, containing just 1
protocol mapper "role list". So both OIDC and SAML clients don't have any
protocol mappers by default, it's driven by client scopes now by default.
- There is "offline_access" OIDC client scope, which is optional scope by
default. This scope contains just "offline_access" realm role. Due the fact,
that parameter "Scope Param Required" was removed from RoleModel, the
"offline_access" role is now automatically available in tokens for clients with
"Full Scope Allowed", even if no offline tokens was requsted. But I don't
think it's big issue besides a bit bigger token. Same also already applies for
uma_authorization and some other built-in roles. The fact, that offline token is requested
is now driven by "offline_access" scope. But user should still have
role to be able to receive offline token.
Consent changes:
- Consent screen now doesn't display protocolMappers (claims) and roles, but instead
it displays just client scopes. So by default, the consent screen contains 2 items
"User profile" and "Email address", which correspond to the
"profile" and "email" OIDC scopes.
- There can be still the case, when client has some protocolMappers or role scope
mappings defined on itself. So I've added flag "Display On Consent Screen"
on clients (It's OFF by default) to specify if some message should be shown on consent
screen about claims dedicated directly to client itself. It's useful especially when
client doesn't have any client scopes as the consent screen wouldn't be displayed
in that case.
- During this refactoring, I've tried to do some cleanup we discussed before, so
I've removed protocolMappers and roles from clientSession.
Instead I've added clientScopes to refresh token. During refreshing token, it's
checked that user still has all the consents, which are in the refresh token. So in case
that user revoked consents in the meantime, the token refresh will fail. ProtocolMappers
and scoped roles are always re-computed from the clientScopes. So if for example another
claim was added to scope "profile", it will automatically be applied after
refreshed token. I don't see an issue with that. User approved on consent screen scope
"profile" and he may not be concerned what claims/scoped roles are in profile.
- Migration: In the end I did not change existing clients and did not remove
protocolMappers from them and didn't add default/optional client scopes to them. The
only exception is "offline_access" profile, which is added as optional to all
clients, which had scope to "offline_access"
role. Consents are not migrated - again with the only exception being
"offline_access" consent, so refreshing offline tokens from previous version
still works. The new consent screen is something quite different than previous one, so
makes sense to show it to users again when they want to login, even if they approved
protocolMappers for the previous version.
Sorry for long email and long PR :) More tomorrow...
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