* Would be worth moving this to a design proposal on
https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-community/tree/master/design. Would be
easier to work collectively on a design proposal there than to have an
endless thread on a ML ;). I'd also be open to join you on a call to have a
discussion "face to face"
* I was thinking to limit to two factor for now, but you're probably right
here with regards to consider the bigger picture now as it may be difficult
to get it right otherwise
* Need to consider how this fits into step-up authentication
* Admins should be able to select level of authentication required, but
users should be able to choose from available options
* Users should be able to select from available mechanisms when
configuring. Users should be able to set their own default. This means the
account console/rest needs metadata to discover available mechanisms. I
wonder if there's a need for something outside of flows and authenticators
to capture metadata about supported credential types which is used by
account and admin consoles to manage credentials.
* I was aiming a simpler setup where admin doesn't need to create custom
flow unless they want to add custom authenticators. That means
authenticators should be enabled/disabled in the flow rather than
Some more comments inline below
On Thu, 14 Mar 2019 at 14:02, Doswald Alistair <alistair.doswald(a)elca.ch>
This is OK for me. I propose starting with initial proposals for the
fundamentals in this email, and once there's an agreement on those,
separating the discussion between the two JIRAs to refine the concepts for
each one. Once the work to be done is clearer, it can be supplemented with
screen mockups and/or prototypes.
1) Scope of the modifications
- For JIRA KEYCLOAK-9693 <
I believe that the description in the JIRA is not general enough to cover
the description in web-authn-two-factor.md
. Modifications to the authentication flows should support single factor,
as well as 2nd factor and allow both authentication factor levels to select
the alternative types of authenticator to be used. This allows a single
factor authentication to use for example a FIDO2 dongle for passwordless
authentication, or even let the user choose between the dongle and a
password during the login. Modifications for this JIRA include: changes to
the authentication logic, changes to the authentication part of the admin
console, changes to the authentication screens that the user sees during
login, changes to the REST API, and possibly some changes to the database.
In the first round we are focusing on two factor. Follow-up later is
passwordless flows for web-authn. Passwordless is more tricky as it
requires identity first login flow, ability for users to somehow define how
they authenticate, rather than just what the second factor is, ability for
admins to define authentication optoins rather than just two factor options.
As I mentioned above though it is probably all to linked to consider only
one at the design phase. So perhaps we need to work together on a design
proposal that will include everything including step-up authentication.
- For JIRA KEYCLOAK-9694 <
changes are to the "users > credentials" part of the administration console
and to the REST API.
2) Design proposal for KEYCLOAK-9693
a) Authentication logic
The current authentication flow system should be kept, but perhaps
simplified. For a start I think that actual authenticators categories -
that is elements that provide identity (e.g. password, cookie, kerberos,
otp, fido, ...) - should be separate from other executions like "reset
Thus, instead of directly adding "cookie" or "password" as
alternatives in
the authentication flow, the user can add the execution "authentication
factor", and under authentication factor he can add only the valid
authenticator categories. Each of the authenticator categories under the
authentication factor are considered valid alternatives, and are evaluated
in order. The authentication stops being automatically evaluated at the
first authenticator that requires user input (alternative: all non-user
input authenticators are evaluated before the first user-input
Adding a 2nd "authentication factor" execution sets the 2nd factor, and it
must then have authenticators assigned. To have an authenticator category
be valid for both authentication factors it must be set under both 1st and
2nd authentication factor. For example, kerberos could be set for both 1st
and 2nd factor, which would mean that the user skips both factors if he's
registered with kerberos, but it could also be just set for the first
factor, in which case he'd still have to input the 2nd factor. To handle
optional 2nd factors there could either be a "optional authentication
factor type" or have an "optional" flag in the options of the
"authentication factor".
Potentially, this system could also allow a company that's really security
conscientious/paranoiac to set N factors.
Authentication factors are treated as a bloc in the evaluation of
alternatives. That is, if in a flow there's "Identity provider
"authentication factor 1", "authentication factor 2", entering the
authentication factor 1 flow will automatically cause "authentication
factor 2" to be executed after.
To make things perhaps a little more clear, the current default "Browser"
authentication would become for example:
Auth type
Identity Provider Redirector
Authentication factor (1)
|- Cookie
|- Kerberos
|- Username Password Form
Authentication factor (2) [OPTIONAL]
|- Cookie
|- Kerberos
|- OTP Form
And if we wanted to have an mandatory 2nd factor, with either OTP or a
FIDO2 configured:
Auth type
Identity Provider Redirector
Authentication factor (1)
|- Cookie
|- Kerberos
|- Username Password Form
Authentication factor (2)
|- Cookie
|- Kerberos
|- OTP Form
|- FIDO-2
Potentially we could also introduce another type of authentication
execution, we could call it "Authenticated on", to simplify the
authenticators that bypass the authentication factors. We could then have:
Auth type
Identity Provider Redirector
Authenticated on
|- Cookie
|- Kerberos
Authentication factor (1)
|- Username Password Form
Authentication factor (2)
|- OTP Form
|- FIDO-2
I like this in general. Devil is in the detail here though and need to
think about this some more, especially how it fits into
b) Authentication section in the admin console
The schema described in a) would be implemented in the Authentication >
flows. Bindings and Required Actions don't need any change I think. For
policies I believe the password policy for the realm should remain, but the
OTP policy should disappear, as a user could have several alternative OTP
devices with different settings. As such, the information about the OTP
settings should probably move to information associated with the credential.
+1 I also think this is limited to the flow itself. Bear in mind I want to
have a built-in flow that can be configured rather than requiring creating
new flows. For example if we have OTP and WebAuthn authenticators an admin
should be able to just enabled WebAuthn, not have to create a new flow to
add it. Obviously a new custom flow would be required if the flow or custom
authenticators are added. Moving OTP policy from realm to authenticator is
already planned work, it was only added to the realm in the first place as
it was done before we had configurable authenticators.
c) Authentication screens for the user
When the user logs in, unless he has something like a cookie he will see
by default the first configuration interface configured in the current
Authentication factor. If there are many different factors configured, he
can access a list of any valid authenticator to use. If the user fails with
the selected authenticator, he may choose another configured authenticator
to validate the step.
When it comes to default that is the users choice. So as a user if I have
chosen webauthn as my default that should be shown first to me, even if the
realm has the OTP as the first/default. It's also not when the user fails
with the selected authenticator, but rather allow the user to choose a
different authenticator.
There's no major change here, aside from updating the scheme to support
the separation between authenticator categories and executions, and adding
instructions to edit which authenticator categories are assigned to an
authentication factor.
e) database modifications
Authenticator categories could be separated from executions either by
having a new dedicated table, or by introducing a field in the
authentication_execution table
Realm config is responsible for most of the mess in the tables today. It's
just plain daft to save this as separate tables/columns as it's always
fetched as one blog and never queried. So I wonder if we could take a first
start at this by simply storing the whole authentication flow including
authenticator config as a single JSON blob in the DB.
3) Design proposal for KEYCLOAK-9694
a) Changes to the users > Credential menu
Instead of manage Password we have "manage credentials", with a list of
credentials for a user. The credentials grouped by type, and should
indicate by which authentication factor they are valid for (1st factor, 2nd
factor, unconfigured). The administrator should be able to edit / remove a
- For editing the administrator should be able to visualise the data of
the credential (except the secret and the salt) and edit metadata about a
device. Data would be any data in the fields of the credential that
describe immutable data about the credential, and metadata would be for
example label that a user can see and edit to name his device and a label
that only the administrator could see and edit. The administrator (and
user) should be able to set a "preferred credential" for each
authentication factor level, which will override the factor shown by
default during the login.
- For deleting, I think that this should be linked to the authentication
factors and authenticator categories of the realm, for example:
+ For a realm with a single factor configured of types password and
FIDO2, the credentials can be removed until ONE remains, and that last one
cannot be removed.
+ For a realm with a two factors configured, the first with password
and FIDO2, and the second with OTP and FIDO UAF (I know, this is not a very
good example from a security point of view), then it must be impossible to
remove the last credential for the first factor, and to remove the last
credential for the second factor.
A note for passwords: Unlike other credentials I don't think that there
should be more than one password that can be configured. Also, among its
edition option it should be possible to reset (temporarily or not) as is
currently the case.
If the administrator and user can remove credentials, I do not know if the
possibility to disable credentials is still useful. I don't see any
problems with the feature either though, so if it’s still deemed useful it
would keep its current behaviour.
Credentials needs to have some metadata associated with them. Does it
support a user to have mutiple (passwords is a single, webauthn is
multiple). Can the admin update the value (passwords admin can update,
webauthn only users can and that's through application initiated actions
which account console will use). The thinking with regards to
adding/updating credentials is that users do it through actions (required
or application initiated), while admins do it directly in the console (in
which case we need to have a dynamic way to specify the values, something
like how component model works).
b) Modifications to the REST API
Currently there's no way to get credentials with the REST API. This should
change with these modifications to reflect the new options for the
administrator. The API should function in the same manner as the admin
console: Credentials can be exposed (except for secret and hash values),
the metadata edited and the credentials deleted with the same restrictions
as described in section 3a
We just need to be very careful here that secrets are never returned on a
REST endpoint, but otherwise yes we need an endpoint that can list a users
c) Database modifications
I do not believe that this modification entails any database
modifications. The current system with credential and credential attributes
should be sufficient for the handling of multiple authenticators.
That's it. Comments, questions and criticism are all welcome.
*From:* Stian Thorgersen <sthorger(a)redhat.com>
*Sent:* 08 March 2019 13:17
*To:* Doswald Alistair
*Cc:* keycloak-dev
*Subject:* Re: [keycloak-dev] W3C Web Authentication - Two-Factor,
implementing JIRAs
No one is working on the admin part at the moment, so contributions here
would be very welcome. It's not a straightforward task though and would
need a fair bit of design/prototyping/discussions to get this right.
On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 at 11:14, Doswald Alistair <alistair.doswald(a)elca.ch>
> Hello,
> I've been following the thread about the implementation of WebAuthn in
> Keycloak, and saw that there are some related JIRAs in the following design
> document
> .
> Is anyone already working on JIRAs
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-9693 and
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-9694 for managing multiple 2nd
> factor authenticators? If not, with my colleagues we could implement them
> relatively quickly as we have use cases for these functionalities.
> Best regards,
> Alistair Doswald
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