On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 8:41 AM, Schuster Sebastian (INST/ESY1) <
Sebastian.Schuster(a)bosch-si.com> wrote:
Hi everybody,
While playing around with the authorization api and the photoz example I
noticed the aud claim in the access token contained the client_id of the RP
similar to the ID token. This was not quite what I expected. The client is
the intended consumer of the ID token as per spec: “Audience(s) that this
ID Token is intended for. It MUST contain the OAuth 2.0 client_id of the
Relying Party as an audience value.” So everything is fine here.
The consumer of the access token is in my opinion the resource server
granting access based on content of the access token (in the case of opaque
tokens, the client can’t even read the access token). Per JWT spec: “The
"aud" (audience) claim identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended
for. Each principal intended to process the JWT MUST identify itself with
a value in the audience claim. If the principal processing the claim does
not identify itself with a value in the "aud" claim then this claim is
present, then the JWT MUST be rejected.”
Therefore, for my access token of the photos example having the client id
in the “aud” claim:
"jti": "ad02bc48-ee9c-4480-b8d2-ca57547c8026",
"exp": 1498475985,
"nbf": 0,
"iat": 1498475685,
"iss": "http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/photoz",
"aud": "photoz-html5-client",
"sub": "73c303f1-7088-4f09-85c3-bd39a736c833",
"typ": "Bearer",
"azp": "photoz-html5-client",
"nonce": "02df304b-199b-4dd8-923d-9cf470d1129a",
"auth_time": 1498475685,
"session_state": "e202b205-15bd-43c8-9fbd-cd602d0708f0",
"acr": "1",
"allowed-origins": [
"realm_access": {
"roles": [
"resource_access": {
"photoz-restful-api": {
"roles": [
"account": {
"roles": [
"name": "Alice In Chains",
"preferred_username": "alice",
"given_name": "Alice",
"family_name": "In Chains",
"email": "alice(a)keycloak.org"
I would have expected an audience claim like “aud”:[“photoz-restful-api”,
“account”, “http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/photoz”] (the first two for
the resource servers defining the roles, the last one for the entire realm
and the realm roles).
What do you think?
Best regards,
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Sebastian Schuster
Engineering and Support (INST/ESY1)
Bosch Software Innovations GmbH | Schöneberger Ufer 89-91 | 10785 Berlin |
Tel. +49 30 726112-485 | Fax +49 30 726112-100 |
Sitz: Berlin, Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg; HRB 148411 B
Geschäftsführung: Dr.-Ing. Rainer Kallenbach, Michael Hahn
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