And the best screen is, IMO, the overview-index.html as it lists all
paths/HTTP methods.
On 5/26/2014 9:18 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
On 5/26/2014 9:18 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
> I integrated jax-doclets[1] somewhat into our build.
> if you do the following:
> 1. cd ${keycloak.project.root}
> 2. mvn javadoc:javadoc
> 3. cd services
> 4. mvn package
> The jax-doclets are in
> services/target/site/apidocs
> Then if you do:
> 5. cd distribution
> 6. mvn clean install
> The docs/ directory that is included will have a rest-api directory and
> those jax-doclets will be linked to the Keycloak javadocs.
> The REST docs aren't the greatest. I tried out Swagger-jaxrs-doclet,
> and swagger-ui but I couldn't get it to work offline (nor online).
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat