Ok, I set up a JIRA.
I need to look at Jetty/Tomcat to see if authenticate() is called. BTW,
I'm not sure why Undertow is calling the authentication mechanism for
unsecure resources.
On 12/19/2014 11:03 AM, Michael Gerber wrote:
I created today a build from the latest master branch and struggled
the following problem.
I've got some REST services which are excluded from keycloak, so I can
access them without a logged in user. (see detail from web.xml)
The request body in these post rest services were always empty. I found
out that my wildfly tried to authenticate all requests.
The tokenStore.saveRequest() method in the OAuthRequestAuthenticator
class read the inputStream and so it was empty later on.
I dont understand why all my requests are authenticated, even when they
are excluded through the web.xml file.
So, I added the following lines in the ServletKeycloakAuthMech class in
the authenticate method: (see
if (!deployment.isConfigured() ||
!securityContext.isAuthenticationRequired()) {
return AuthenticationMechanismOutcome.NOT_ATTEMPTED;
This hack solved all my problems. Is this a bug and should i create a
pull request? Or are there some problems in my project configuration?
Detail from my web.xml file:
<web-resource-name>Client WS</web-resource-name>
<web-resource-name>Client Exchange WS</web-resource-name>
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat