On 4/22/2016 3:57 PM, Marek Posolda wrote:
That's the question...
For server distribution, we also have our stuff ( keycloak subsystem,
datasource, infinispan etc) directly declared in "standalone.xml". On
the other hand, for overlay distribution, we don't want to directly
update default "standalone.xml", so we are adding our own
"standalone-keycloak.xml". Isn't it quite similar thing?
Product will not have the overlay distribution.
We can do the same for overlay and server distribution, so never edit
default wildfly files ( standalone.xml , add-user.sh), but always use
our own versions with "-keycloak" suffix. Advantage is more
consistent. However people will need to always start keycloak server
with "./standalone.sh -c standalone-keycloak.xml" then. Doesn't it
sucks from the usability perspective?
The overlay exists because we can't distribute EAP within community.
Keycloak should be run as a separate server, so, IMO, -keycloak.xml
files should go away and overwrite standalone.xml, standalone-ha.xml and
I honestly don't know what's the best way regarding
usability. AFAIK
this was decided on mailing lists couple of months ago, but don't
remember the exact threads...:/
I'm pretty adamant about this. There will be a huge amount of confusion
if we don't make this separation. Wildfly/JBoss and Keycloak are hard
enough to configure as it is.
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat