Hello Keycloakers and Red Hatters. I'm Tana, good to meet you all,
virtually! :-) As I am new to Red Hat and to the Keycloak community, here's
a bit more background about me, hopefully nothing too shocking:
https://github.com/tanberry and
This is a quick heads up to our community and developers that we plan to
merge PR #184 <
week, probably Wednesday or Thursday. This merge will convert the
Authorization Services Guide to a flat file structure, meaning all topics
for this book will be in a single dir, and not nested into separate
directories or "chapters". We plan to convert only this one book for
3.x/7.2, and use it as a POC, because we want to keep changes to a minimum
for 7.2.
In RH-SSO 7.3 release we will convert the remaining books. There are
several reason for changing to a flat-file structure (visual findability in
dirs, flexibility when new topics are added or existing topics are moved,
to have unique file names, enhanced SEO...).
Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or comments; we
want your feedback!
Thanks, and I look forward to working with the Keycloak/SSO team!