Hmm.. Is it possible to have blacklist password policy implementation
without this dependency? We are trying to not introduce much 3rd party
dependencies, so not sure if it's possible to accept PR with this
additional dependency...
Anyway, I think you need to update
distribution/feature-packs/server-feature-pack . Add dependency to
pom.xml file and to modules directory. Also add it as dependency to
server-spi-private module.
On 31/07/17 17:24, Thomas Darimont wrote:
how can I add a new dependency to the keycloak modules/system/layers/base
when building
a server-distribution?
I need to add org.apache.commons:commons-collections4 for the PatriciaTrie
which I need for
my BlacklistPasswordPolicyProvider: [0]
I tried adding a dependency to keycloak/dependencies/server-all/pom.xml but
I still get
CNFEs if I try to run the server from the dist-build.
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
org.apache.commons.collections4.trie.PatriciaTrie from [Module
"org.keycloak.keycloak-server-spi-private" from local module loader
@282ba1e (finder: local module finder @13b6d03 (roots:
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